Category: Good to Know

Eat This Special Fiber for Good Gut Health

Most everybody knows about probiotics. These are foods and supplements that help strengthen the immune system, and improve digestion. A lesser known trend in the world of gut health is called prebiotics. Both prebiotics and probiotics contribute to the health of our microbiome—a name for the diverse bacterial colony that lives inside each of us. The…

Science Loves This Superfood, So Why Aren’t You Eating It?

The story of amaranth is one of tenacity. The name comes from the Greek word amarantos—meaning “the immortal” or “the never fading”—a reference to a vibrant red flower head which maintains its color even after it’s dried. Amaranth was once a staple crop of the Toltec, Maya, and other Mesoamerican civilizations. For the Aztecs, this…

The Incredible Moringa Tree

It’s difficult to discuss moringa without feeling like you’re bragging. Some call it the miracle tree, and the number of gifts it offers makes clear why. Ounce for ounce, moringa leaf has twice as much protein and calcium as milk, and similarly impressive amounts of beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium, iron and other beneficial nutrients….

Indian Vine Slays Sugar

Gymnema sylvestre is the Latin name for a vine native to the forests of southern and central India. The leaves of this herb have been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for at least 2,000 years. It is primarily used to treat diabetes and other issues related to sugar. Gymnema’s Hindi name, gurmar, literally translates to…

How to Attract Pollinators: 6 Must-Have Plants

Bees, hummingbirds, bats, and beetles are all pollinators—animals that assist in plant reproduction. With recent declines in bee populations, there is a growing awareness of the contribution pollinators make to the ecosystem, and to the human food supply. According to a report from the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC), these helpful creatures fertilize 90…

3 Good Reasons You Should Be Listening To More Music

Music is a universal language that hurdles all obstacles, beliefs, and language barriers. It has a transcendent ability to touch the human soul like nothing else. The cells in our bodies respond to it, and even those who can’t hear it still feel it. The organic power of music is inescapable. When individuals find themselves facing physical or emotional…

Essential Oils for Pain: Mints, Resins, and Rhizomes

Essential oils are fascinating for their ability to change mood through scent. But they do much more than just relieve depression and anxiety. Some also treat pain. Before reaching for aspirin, ibuprofen, Tylenol, or some prescription muscle relaxer, consider essential oils first. They can be very effective—addressing pain right at the source—and are without the…

What We Should Know About Our Lymphatic System

When you hear the term “circulatory system,” what comes to mind? Most of us think of the vascular system, the amazing array of arteries, veins, and capillaries through which the heart pumps 1,900 gallons’ worth of blood each day, in a circular loop. Few of us think of the other circulatory system, even though it’s…

What to Eat on a Pegan Diet

First there was the Paleolithic diet, emulating the eating habits of our nomadic ancestors. Now there’s a more vegetarian version: the Pegan diet. Paleo-Vegan may seem like a strange mash-up since such a big part of the Paleo diet is fat and meat. But consider Paleo’s emphasis on quality. Adherents of this diet specifically seek…

How to Make: Homemade Almond Milk (Video)

A recipe for fresh, homemade almond milk is a easy to make from scratch. This homemade almond milk recipe is a completely raw food recipe, vegan friendly, gluten free, healthy treat! Almond milk is one of the most popular dairy milk substitutes. It has tons of health benefits! However, store-bought almond milk generally contains additives…