Tag: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Treating Constipation with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Constipation. No one wants to talk about it. And there’s no way to discuss it in an appealing way. Nonetheless, constipation may be the most common digestive complaint in the United States, affecting millions of people. And if you think this awkward subject doesn’t afflict the young, think again. Studies show that constipation and related…

How to Lose Over 50 Pounds Naturally and Painlessly in Every Season According to Japanese Doctor

The festivity has already begun with the smell of pumpkin latte. With Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve approaching, weight loss will soon be the hot topic on the table or be on the New Year’s resolution list for 2022. Studies have confirmed that being overweight and obese increases the risk of deadly diseases. Although…

A Little-Known Way to Healthily Lose Weight: TCM Lowers Lipids, Controls Blood Sugar

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people stayed at home, and therefore there were more opportunities to spend time eating delicious food. In addition, most gyms and outdoor sports venues were closed due to the pandemic, and therefore many people gained a lot of weight. Yu Jiashan licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner in Southern California,…

Beauty Concept of TCM: Natural Radiance Comes from Organ Balance, Qi, Blood, Yin, and Yang

People achieve beauty not just by applying heavy makeup, but by having an imposing appearance, a clear mindset, and a moderate body type. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believes that the organs are full of Qi (vital energy) and blood, the skin is naturally healthy and glowing, the muscles are firm and tight, and the hair…

4 Tips for a Healthier Autumn, 2 Spots to Massage for Health, Plus Tea Recipe

After the Autumn Equinox, many people have symptoms such as dry skin and itchy throat. Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners(TCM) recommend taking care of the body from the four aspects of clothing, food, living and transportation, and massaging acupuncture points. After the Autumn Equinox, in the northern hemisphere, the night gets longer and the weather gets…

Study: Auricular Acupuncture Shows Promise for Women’s Health Issues

Acupressure and acupuncture are unique therapeutic methods used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Studies have confirmed that Chinese auricular acupuncture, a subset focusing on specific points on the ears, has significant efficacy in the prevention and treatment of common gynecological diseases. A Chinese research team from Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine published an article…

Advice from Traditional Chinese Medicine: Seventeen Paths to Better Sleep

In today’s stressful world, many people are prone to sleep problems. According to some studies, nearly 30 percent of people have trouble sleeping. And that number may have increased post-pandemic. COVID-19 is just one of many health conditions that can lead to insomnia and sleep problems. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine defines insomnia as…

Body Acne? These Key Locations Signify Health Issues

Everyone at one time or another has had acne, which can even be painful. Some people have acne on their face, while others have it on their body. What does acne on the body signify in terms of health problems? Dr. Dawei Guo, director of Fu Yuan Chinese Medicine Clinic in Taiwan, who has extensive…

Study Finds Chinese Medicine Effective in Improving Long COVID: HKHA

The Hong Kong Hospital Authority (HA) announced on Sept. 28 a study of clinical data of Chinese medicine in the treatment of recovered COVID-19 patients, indicating that Chinese medicine treatment in the recovery period can promote the resolution of residual symptoms, and improve lung functions and body constitutions. The study was conducted between September 2020…

Tips for Falling Asleep and Staying Asleep–Natural & Chinese Medicine

How much sleep do you get each night? Do you wake in the early hours, unable to get back to sleep? Poor sleep is another modern ‘epidemic’ that is weakening the concentration, souring the mood, and darkening the days of many people. Could knowing your ‘organs’ body clock’ or gauging your ‘metabolic efficiency’ help where…