Tag: liver

Doing These 4 Things Can Worsen Liver Health

Do you stare at your phone wherever you go? Do you often work overtime or stay up late? Do you turn to medication regardless of how minor your illness may be? Do you lose your temper easily? All of these habits are liver-damaging behaviors. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis were the ninth leading cause of…

Circadian Clock Controlled By The Liver Too

New research showed that the internal circadian clock is influenced not by the brain only, as previously thought, but by the liver as well. Collaboration between scientists from the University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience in Australia and Université Paris Cité/CNRS in France has discovered that by transplanting human liver cells in mice, the circadian…

How Americans Used to Eat

A colleague recently introduced me to a treasure trove of information about American eating habits in the 19th and early 20th centuries: The Buttolph Collection of Menus. Housed at the New York Public Library, the collection was a gift of Miss Frank E. Buttolph (1850-1924). The earliest menu dates from 1843, and contributions after Miss…

Dandelion Possesses All Attributes as Medicine and Food, a Popular Ingredient for Springtime Liver Protection

While many flowers are reborn in spring—dandelions, shining their telltale yellow blossoms—can be seen ubiquitously along hillsides, fields, and roads. Apart from being an enjoyable view, dandelion has been used over centuries as a medicinal herb. It has a variety of effects such as diuretic, anti-inflammatory, clearing the liver and eyes, and can also be…

The Traditional Practice of Eating Nutrient-Rich Foods to Prepare for Conception

One of Dr. Weston Price’s most interesting discoveries in his studies of non-industrialized peoples was the practice of consuming special nutrient-dense foods in preparation for pregnancy. As Price reported in his book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration,” these foods were often considered sacred and were consumed by both men and women for about six months before…

Recognizing Liver Distress Signals: Springtime Liver Protection Tips

The liver is an essential organ responsible for detoxification, bile production, fat breakdown, and energy storage. However, it is known as a silent organ, as liver problems often go unnoticed until they become severe. On the “Health 1+1” program, Jonathan Liu, a professor at a Canadian public college, shares various warning signs that the liver…

Study: One Bacteria May Trigger Fatty Liver Disease 

A new study in mice from the University of Missouri-Columbia is shedding light on how diet seems to change the specific bacterial makeup of the gut and instigate a metabolic process that leads to fat buildup in the liver. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, also known as fatty liver disease, has few symptoms. However, the risk…

Foods That Can Help Your Liver Now

What you eat and drink can have a profound effect on your liver health. That easily translates into overall health. Your liver plays a significant role in overall health and functionality. It plays a key role in metabolism and nutrient absorption and removes waste and toxins from your body. When it’s not functioning optimally, bad…

Liver: The Forgotten Superfood

Up to World War II, most Americans ate liver regularly; doctors told moms to prepare liver for their families once a week, particularly to prevent anemia. Last week, we discussed how Dr. Weston A. Price toured many cultures around the world with a focus on so-called “primitive” people who lived largely by hunting and gathering….

Irritability Is a Sign of Liver Problems—4 Ways to Improve Mood and Nourish Organs

Modern medicine has proved that mood is closely related to health. For example, depression can cause various chronic diseases. Negative sentiment and pressure can cause autonomic dysfunction. Moreover, mood can influence disease recovery speed.  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has discovered that different moods can affect the organs and overall health. TCM has a way to…