Tag: anger

A Playbook for Dealing With Life’s Frustrating Moments

I was angry enough to rip the closet doors off the wall and smash them to pieces with a hammer. Rewind about two hours: My wife kindly asked if I could fix the kids’ sliding closet doors, which had been falling off their tracks for several months. I had been strategically “prioritizing” other projects to…

When You Keep Getting Triggered by the Same Person (Part 2)

Is there someone in your life, maybe from your past, whose company sets off strong and difficult feelings over which you don’t seem to have any control, no matter how much “work” you’ve done and continue to do? If so, you’re not alone. In Part 1 of this two-part series, I described the frustration, confusion,…

A Master Plan to Heal America

If America’s enemies were trying to destroy the country, would it look different than our present reality? Locking the country down for two years, leading to disunity in our politics and division in our homes. Chaos on America’s borders and violence in city streets. But in his new book “Counterpunch,” Floyd Brown shows us how…

PREMIERING at 10AM ET: A Master Plan to Heal America

If America’s enemies were trying to destroy the country, would it look different than our present reality? Locking the country down for two years, leading to disunity in our politics and division in our homes. Chaos on America’s borders and violence in city streets. But in his new book “Counterpunch,” Floyd Brown shows us how…

PREMIERING NOW: A Master Plan to Heal America

If America’s enemies were trying to destroy the country, would it look different than our present reality? Locking the country down for two years, leading to disunity in our politics and division in our homes. Chaos on America’s borders and violence in city streets. But in his new book “Counterpunch,” Floyd Brown shows us how…

Irritability Is a Sign of Liver Problems—4 Ways to Improve Mood and Nourish Organs

Modern medicine has proved that mood is closely related to health. For example, depression can cause various chronic diseases. Negative sentiment and pressure can cause autonomic dysfunction. Moreover, mood can influence disease recovery speed.  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has discovered that different moods can affect the organs and overall health. TCM has a way to…

Sticks, Stone, and Worse

Commentary Most people are familiar with the phrase “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” The incendiary rhetoric that has engulfed our political system has demonstrated that especially violent words can cause hurt, even death, to others. The most recent example is a California man who showed up last…

Seeing Red? 8 Ways to Keep Your Anger in Check

Have you ever gotten so worked up that you’ve experienced a feeling of scorching red hot rage? While it’s rare, I’m sure we’ve all experienced this at some point. But does this mean that there’s an underlying problem? Not always. After all, it’s natural for us to get angry. It can be a normal emotion….

Anger Just Might Be Your Liver Talking

It’s difficult to imagine our internal organs having an influence on how we feel. Most of us see emotions as responses to external situations, or internal thoughts. But what if our organs might have some part to play in the complex world of feelings? The ancient Greeks, for example, believed that the liver was the…