Tag: World

Conservatives Keep Calgary Seat in By-Election

The Conservatives easily held the riding of Calgary Heritage in a federal by-election on July 24. Conservative candidate Shuvaloy Majumdar took the riding early, with a commanding lead nearly five times greater than his nearest challenger. And that lead did not change much the entire evening, hovering around 66 percent of total votes. His victory…

US-bound Jetliner Battered by Hailstorm Over Milan and Diverts to Rome; Delta Says All Are Safe

ROME—Hail battered a Delta Air Lines passenger jet bound for New York shortly after taking off from Milan on Monday, forcing it to divert safely to Rome’s main airport, Italian media and the airline said. The aircraft sustained damage to its nose and on the fuselage near the wings, Italian media said. According to Delta,…

Shame on the Australian Government for Playing Political Games With Donald Trump Jr.’s Visa

Commentary The Albanese Government’s decision to play politics with Donald Trump Jr.’s visa is not just a vicious attack on free speech. It’s a diplomatic faux pas of the highest order. Perhaps obviously, there is no conceivable excuse for why Home Affairs Minister Claire O’Neil did not expeditiously process Mr. Trump’s application. Standard practise mandates…

Calls for Public Inquiry Into Toronto School Principal’s Suicide After Bullying

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is facing calls for a public inquiry into events that might have contributed to the suicide of Richard Bilkszto, a former principal who was suing the board for alleged bullying during a diversity, equity, and inclusion training (DEI) workshop. The Toronto School Administrator’s Association (TSAA) issued a July 24…

‘Dirty Secret’: Made-In-China Solar Panels Produce 3 Times More Carbon Emissions Than UN Claims: Study

An analysis by a non-profit research group drawing on calculations by an Italian analyst looking into the carbon footprint of made-in-China solar panels claims that the influential United Nations body on climate change has been drastically underestimating the carbon intensity of Chinese-made photovoltaic cells. Environmental Progress, a non-profit co-founded by investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger, in…

North Korea Fires 2 Short-Range Ballistic Missiles After US Submarine Arrives in South Korea

SEOUL, South Korea—North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles into its eastern sea, South Korea’s military said Tuesday, adding to a recent streak in weapons testing that is apparently in protest of the U.S. sending major naval assets to South Korea in a show of force. In its third round of launches since last week,…

Not Impossible’: UK Looks to British Troops in Darwin

British soldiers based in Australia could be part of the next step to bringing the two military forces closer together. UK Armed Forces Minister James Heappey said stationing British troops in Darwin, where U.S. marines have a presence, was “not impossible” as his nation looked to expand its influence in the Pacific. “It comes up…

John Robson: Ottawa’s Neglect of RCMP and Armed Forces a Case of Bad Policy Driving Out Good

Commentary Once upon a time bell-bottoms, mullets, and “Gestalt” theory were trendy. Until someone realized two fashion blunders didn’t cancel out and people had always seen patterns. Like this one where the RCMP is desperately understaffed. As the National Post reported, “The force provides police to provinces across the country, but it is missing [recruiting]…

Nearly Half of Aussie Men Suffer From One or More Chronic Condition: Report

A report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has found that 49 percent of Australian men suffer from at least one chronic condition, including arthritis, asthma, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, back problems, and mental health conditions. “This statistic is key in identifying the health needs of men, understanding their practices, behaviours and…

New ‘Misinformation’ Law Gets the Balance of Power All Wrong

Commentary In June, the Albanese Labor government released an exposure draft of a dystopian proposed legislation that will empower a government body, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), to police online “misinformation” and “disinformation.” The “Mis/Dis Bill” is accompanied by a guidance note with little transparency and an invitation to make a submission by…