Category: International

Shame on the Australian Government for Playing Political Games With Donald Trump Jr.’s Visa

Commentary The Albanese Government’s decision to play politics with Donald Trump Jr.’s visa is not just a vicious attack on free speech. It’s a diplomatic faux pas of the highest order. Perhaps obviously, there is no conceivable excuse for why Home Affairs Minister Claire O’Neil did not expeditiously process Mr. Trump’s application. Standard practise mandates…

‘Dirty Secret’: Made-In-China Solar Panels Produce 3 Times More Carbon Emissions Than UN Claims: Study

An analysis by a non-profit research group drawing on calculations by an Italian analyst looking into the carbon footprint of made-in-China solar panels claims that the influential United Nations body on climate change has been drastically underestimating the carbon intensity of Chinese-made photovoltaic cells. Environmental Progress, a non-profit co-founded by investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger, in…

New ‘Misinformation’ Law Gets the Balance of Power All Wrong

Commentary In June, the Albanese Labor government released an exposure draft of a dystopian proposed legislation that will empower a government body, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), to police online “misinformation” and “disinformation.” The “Mis/Dis Bill” is accompanied by a guidance note with little transparency and an invitation to make a submission by…

Women’s World Cup Roundup: Brazil, Germany Win Big

A hat trick from Ary Borges powered Brazil to a 4–0 victory against Panama in a Group F opener on Monday at the FIFA Women’s World Cup in Adelaide, Australia. Borges scored in the 19th, 39th and 70th minutes and Bia Zaneratto tallied in the 48th to spoil Panama’s debut in the global tournament. Brazil,…

Drones Target Moscow and Crimea as Russia Continues Bombing Odesa

Central Moscow came under drone attack—for the third time in as many months—in what Russian officials are calling an “act of international terrorism” by Kyiv. “Drone attacks on two non-residential buildings occurred at roughly 4 a.m. [Moscow time], causing no major damage or casualties,” Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin wrote on Telegram on the morning of…

NZ Justice Minister Arrested, Resigns for Mental Health Reasons

New Zealand’s Justice Minister Kiri Allan has resigned after she was charged with reckless driving and resisting arrest. Ms. Allan was involved in a car crash in the nation’s capital, Wellington, shortly after 9:00 p.m. on Sunday evening. Her breath test revealed she had driven while over the legal limit, but police have not pressed…

Nearly 20,000 Sign Petition Against ‘Misinformation’ Laws

Nearly 20,000 individuals have signed a petition against federal laws targeting “misinformation” in Australia. Former MP George Christensen warned the country could be plunged into an “Orwellian nightmare.” “This proposed legislation aims to have so-called ‘misinformation’ removed from the internet by fining social media companies and other online companies that allow free speech,” he wrote…

Gambling With the Health of Australians

Commentary On Feb. 21, 2021, then-Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison expressed his intention to make COVID-19 vaccines “as mandatory as possible.” He declared that, in his opinion, the nation should have a target of 95 percent vaccination. “I would expect it to be as mandatory as you could possibly make it,” he told Melbourne radio…

The Forced Secularisation of Hospitals Is Happening to the Risk of Our Health

Commentary Sixteen years ago, the University of Sydney applied to buy several hectares of land within the boundary of St John’s College, intending to construct a new medical building there. I was the Rector of the college at that time. I and the Fellows were sympathetic to the request, for we had no use for…

Secularising Catholic Hospitals Puts Our Health At Risk

Commentary Sixteen years ago, the University of Sydney applied to buy several hectares of land within the boundary of St. John’s College, intending to construct a new medical building there. I was the Rector of the college at that time. I and the fellows were sympathetic to the request, for we had no use for…