Tag: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Herbal Remedies for Osteoporosis Are Safe and Effective: South Korean Research

Osteoporosis, literally “porous bone,” is often called a silent disease because many people do not realize they have it until they break a bone. One in three women and one in five men over 50 will suffer a broken bone due to osteoporosis, according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation. Treatments used by Western medicine to…

3 Tips to Regain and Improve Long Term Sense of Smell

Loss of smell is a unique symptom after COVID-19 infection and one of the most commonly reported symptoms in the early stages of infection. Unlike other viral infections, post-infection loss of smell, or anosmia, occurs suddenly and without blockage of the nasal mucosa. A new study in the British Medical Journal states that 5 percent…

Frequent Urination at Night: 3 Types, and How to Treat It

A good night’s sleep is key to helping your body recover from daily exertion. However, frequent trips to the toilet at night will interrupt sleep and make one physically and mentally exhausted. Although nocturia (frequent urination at night) is not a serious disease, it can worsen one’s quality of sleep and even endanger one’s health….

Irritability Is a Sign of Liver Problems—4 Ways to Improve Mood and Nourish Organs

Modern medicine has proved that mood is closely related to health. For example, depression can cause various chronic diseases. Negative sentiment and pressure can cause autonomic dysfunction. Moreover, mood can influence disease recovery speed.  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has discovered that different moods can affect the organs and overall health. TCM has a way to…

Cancer or COVID-19—It Can All Be Treated With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer with a high mortality rate, and the medical community is still researching drugs that can reduce its mortality. However, more than 30 years ago, an elderly person suffering from melanoma—the fifth case of melanoma growing on the cheek in the world, turned to traditional Chinese medicine for help…

How to Get Rid of Visceral Fat

An excessive accumulation of visceral fat (belly fat) is believed to be the cause of the “muffin top” and the “beer belly,” which make the body look out of shape. If visceral fat accumulates for a long time, it will affect digestive function, lead to endocrine disorders, and increase the risk of various diseases. Hu…

Long-COVID: 3 TCM Tricks to Improve Long-Term Loss of Smell

Loss of smell is a unique symptom after COVID-19 infection and one of the most commonly reported symptoms in the early stages of infection. Unlike other viral infections, post-infection anosmia occurs suddenly and without blockage of the nasal mucosa. A new study in the British Medical Journal states that five percent of patients may experience…

A Complete Guide on How to Use Wormwood as an Immune Boost in Flu-Fighting Season

Not only is Christmas coming soon, but so is the sneezing season. There is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the coming flu season. Everyone becomes a flu fighter and wonders how to boost their immune system without a flu shot. Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, and moxibustion have been practiced since ancient times. Being 100 percent…

4 Tips of Nourish & Protect the Liver to Make You Look Radiant

Staying up late is a common habit for modern people. Whether it is for work, watching dramas, or having a good time with friends, they often go to bed after 12:00 midnight, but this will affect the health of the Liver in the long run. Some Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) practitioners say that the liver…

4 Tips to Nourish, Protect the Liver to Make You Look Radiant

Staying up late is a common habit for modern people. Whether it is for work, watching dramas, or having a good time with friends, they often go to bed after 12:00 midnight, but this will affect the health of the liver in the long run. Some Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) practitioners say that the liver…