Category: Health Conditions

Body Acne? These Key Locations Signify Health Issues

Everyone at one time or another has had acne, which can even be painful. Some people have acne on their face, while others have it on their body. What does acne on the body signify in terms of health problems? Dr. Dawei Guo, director of Fu Yuan Chinese Medicine Clinic in Taiwan, who has extensive…

These 12 Things Can Reduce Your Dementia Risk

Dementia is a leading cause of death in Australia. Although dementia mainly affects older people, it is an avoidable part of ageing. In fact, we all have the power to reduce our risk of developing dementia, no matter your age. Research shows your risk of developing dementia could be reduced by up to 40% (and…

17 Anti-Aging Superfoods for Glowing Skin, Reduced Inflammation, and Overall Health [Recipes + Videos]

As time passes, our skin changes. It loses elasticity or volume, wrinkles appear, and our complexions just aren’t what they used to be. Sadly, no one has found the fountain of eternal youth yet, but the world of anti-aging superfoods comes close to making it seem as if we have.  Numerous factors influence your age—genetics,…

Scientists Identify a Culprit for Chronic Itch

At a Glance An immune substance called oncostatin M was found to sensitize and enhance the activity of itch-sensing neurons. A drug that blocks oncostatin M activity reduced scratching in a mouse model of chronic itch, suggesting a treatment strategy for persistent itchy skin conditions. Chronic itch is a common yet hard-to-treat symptom of many…

Hypertension May Be Linked to Significant Bone Aging: Study

It’s been known for a while that high blood pressure (hypertension) is linked to a greater risk of heart disease and stroke, but new research suggests it may also be connected to significant bone aging. The study, presented at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension Scientific Sessions 2022 conference, found that people with hypertension were more…

How Circadian Rhythms Affect Blood Sugar Levels

The same meal eaten at the wrong time of day can double blood sugars. We’ve known for more than a half century now that our “glucose tolerance” declines as the day goes on––meaning the ability of your body to keep blood sugars under control. If you hook yourself up to an IV, and just drip…

Batten Disease: What Research Is Being Done?

Much of the NINDS research on Batten disease focuses on developing a better understanding of the disease, gene therapy, and the development of drugs to treat the disorder. Scientists are using a modified safe virus to deliver a functioning gene to the brain with hopes the replacement gene will take over or restore the mutated gene’s normal…

Breast Cancer Patients Under 40 Are Less Likely to Survive

The Hong Kong Breast Cancer Database of the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation shows that the ten-year survival rate of Chinese breast cancer patients was 87.7 percent. While the ten-year survival rate of patients with the early diagnosis was almost 90 percent, the rate dropped to less than 30 percent with stage 4 cancer. The…

Invasive Procedures May Not Be Needed to Investigate Mild Heart Attacks: Study

Patients may no longer need to endure invasive procedures to investigate mild heart attacks, according to a new study from Flinders University in South Australia. If a randomised control trial (RCT) is successful, the CT scan could become a preferred tool for doctors which could also reduce the risk of complications. The current preferred procedure…

Vitamin K: A Little-Known but Noteworthy Nutrient

When Danish scientist Henrik Dam fed a cholesterol-free diet to baby chicks in his lab about 90 years ago, he noticed excessive bleeding in some of them. It did not stop after he replaced the cholesterol. Dam ultimately concluded the bleeding was related to a “depletion of an anti-hemorrhagic compound,” which he called vitamin K…