Category: chronic inflammation

Four Natural Remedies Proven To Destroy Chronic Inflammation

At the root of any serious disease lies chronic inflammation. Normally a beneficial response by the body to heal itself, it becomes problematic when this process is initiated 24-7. Symptoms are expressed in a wide variety of ways, most notably through pain. This has resulted in massive amount of pain medication being dispensed in order…

How To Reduce Inflammation in Your Body (Video)

Is a hidden, smoldering fire in your body coming between you and good health? This week on the UltraWellness blog, Mark Hyman, M.D. explains how inflammation causes chronic disease and weight gain — and uncovers the link between food allergies and inflammation. Republished from …

Direct Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Chronic Inflammation

In a world first, genetic research from the University of South Australia (UniSA) has demonstrated a direct link between low levels of vitamin D and high levels of inflammation, a finding which will help identify people at higher risk of chronic illnesses associated with inflammation. While inflammation is critical to the body’s healing process, if…