Category: Cholesterol

Why Butter Is Better

In the early 1900s, Americans consumed about 18 pounds of butter per person per year—and that doesn’t include the butterfat they got from whole milk, cream, and cheese. Today that number stands at about five pounds, a slight increase over the last few years from a low of four pounds per person per year. What…

EAT 2 EGGS, OR MORE? How Many Eggs to Eat and Good vs Bad Cholesterol

Eggs are the base and the ‘binding force’ of my Sunday morning – bratwurst frittata recipe – featured in this episode. Eggs are key to a multitude of the dishes we eat from day to day. But is eating too many bad for our health? Is the cholesterol they contain good or bad for us?…

Nutritional Benefits of 5 Kinds of Mushrooms

Mushrooms are common fungi that are both tasty and nutritionally beneficial. Taiwanese nutritionist Chang Yi-ting recently shared that mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides that can help fight cancer, lower cholesterol, and enhance immune functions. They are also low in sodium, high in potassium, and rich in various minerals. Moderate consumption of mushrooms can help stabilize…

Nutritional Benefits of 5 Kinds of Mushroom

Mushrooms are common fungi that are both tasty and nutritionally beneficial. Taiwanese nutritionist Chang Yi-ting recently shared that mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides that can help fight cancer, lower cholesterol, and enhance immune functions. They are also low in sodium, high in potassium, and rich in various minerals. Moderate consumption of mushrooms can help stabilize…

Weighing in on Dietary Fats

With the winter holidays upon us, you’ll likely be surrounded by family, friends, and plenty of good food. Many of these foods, though, can be high in fat. Learn which fats are naughty and which are nice to your health. Then you can make smarter food choices. We need a certain amount of fat in…

Low Cholesterol May Raise Your Alzheimer’s Risk

Why would doctors recommend something that’s actually been shown to increase your risk of depression and suicide – while also raising your risk for Alzheimer’s and wreaking havoc on your memory? STORY AT-A-GLANCE Cholesterol is found in your bloodstream and cells, and is necessary for the production of cell membranes. Cholesterol also plays an important…

People With 99 Percent Blood Oxygen Concentration May Also Have Heart Hypoxia

During the covid epidemic, some people test themselves with a blood oxygen machine. However, even with a constant blood oxygen concentration of over 99 percent; some people have still been diagnosed as having “heart hypoxia” when they go for a health check. People are breathing 24 hours a day, how can there be a lack…

Higher Cholesterol Is Associated With Longer Life

There are two types of cholesterol: High-density and low-density lipoprotein, aka HDL and LDL, but how they affect your heart and your longevity is the subject of ongoing controversy. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Cholesterol, the soft, waxy substance found in every cell in your body, is used to produce several of your body’s vital functions, including hormones…

Mushroom Soup Immunity, Iron, and Vitamin D (Recipe)

Mushrooms are strange creatures. Neither plant nor animal, these fungal fruits are in a class all their own. Some species are psychotropic. Others are deadly. For many ancient cultures, even perfectly edible mushrooms were suspect. The Chinese, however, embraced mushrooms early on. One of the most important specimens in Chinese culture is shiitake, which has been a…

Summer Snacks to Help Keep Cholesterol in Check

Snacking can be a regular part of summer. While you’re sitting outside on the porch, deck, dock, or beach, you’ve likely got a little something to peck at, as well. Snacks keep you feeling full and compliment a nice summer beverage. But they can also act as a source of some dangerous calories. Potato chips…