Category: black pepper

Black Pepper, the ‘King of Spices’–5 Health Benefits You Should Know

Black pepper, often referred to as the “king of spices,” is a popular culinary spice known for its distinct pungent flavor that comes from its alkaloid component, piperine. Black pepper is an important health food that may help prevent and control tumor growth, improve gastrointestinal health, and possess antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Pepper originated in India,…

Turmeric with Black Pepper: What It’s Good for and How to Take It

Historians have gathered evidence showing that people—from long ago and from around the world—have used herbs, often in a sophisticated way. Quinine from Cinchona bark, for instance, was used to treat the symptoms of malaria long before the disease had even been identified, and the raw ingredients of a common aspirin tablet have been a popular painkiller…