Tag: lose weight

Obese Man Loses 160lbs for the Most Heartwarming Reason

Sometimes, deep and abiding love can change anything. This man is truly inspiration! …

What is a Healthy Weight

You may not get down to the number you saw on the scale 20 years ago, but you can still get to a weight that enhances your health and your life.First, what does “healthy weight” mean to you? Is it the weight you think you should be? The same as you weighed 20 years ago?…

Japanese Scientists Discover New Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is a term that describes a variety of approaches to limiting food intake throughout a 24-hour period, or longer. One common approach is intermittent fasting, in which people limit the number of hours they eat during the day. There are a variety of approaches to intermittent fasting and no one approach is better than…

Simple Ways to Avoid Athletic Injuries

Whether you’re a weekend warrior or you get your exercise walking the dog, chances are that if you’re physically active, at some point you’ve been on the receiving end of an athletic injury. Believe me, there is nothing worse than to be hobbled by an injury just before your big tournament, an active vacation, or…

Maintain a Healthy Weight With These Natural Antiobesity Agents

Mother Nature is all about balance, but the pace of modern life can cause you to feel a bit tilted at times. If you’re struggling with maintaining a healthy weight—or even if you have only a few pounds to lose—these six natural antiobesity agents can help you shift the scale into equilibrium. 1. Cinnamon This…

Obese Mom Drops 154lb After She Was Forced Off Fairground Ride for Being ‘Too Big’

An obese mom of three shed 154 pounds (approx. 70 kg) after being told to get off a fairground ride for being too overweight. Sarah Knowles, 28, from Georgia, decided to turn her life around after she was left humiliated for being “too fat” for a fairground ride and told she needed to get off….