Tag: ginseng

Ancient Herbal Decoction Can Improve Cognitive Function, Study Shows

Liu Jun Zi Tang, also known as the Six Major Herb Combo Decoction, is an enduring herbal prescription used in China and South Korea for more than 500 years. Historically, the decoction’s primary use has been to treat functional dyspepsia and depression—but a recent study of Korean medicine, published in the international academic journal Frontiers…

Korean Red Ginseng: King of Adaptogens

Since ancient times, ginseng root has been considered one of the world’s most valuable medicinal herbs. Ginseng is a perennial plant native to the mountainous regions of the Orient. You can spot one at a distance by its cluster of red berries, but it’s what’s underground that counts. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of…

Top Therapeutic Properties of Ginseng

Did you know that ginseng, a root-based plant, has wonderful health benefits for your brain and heart and protects the natural functioning and balance of your entire body? In fact, the healing properties of ginseng have been known in Asian medicine for thousands of years, and the highly prized herb was once worth its weight in…