Category: vitamin C

PREMIERING 3/23 at 7:30PM ET: Dr. Sabine Hazan: The Gut Bacteria That’s Missing in People Who Get Severe COVID

Dr. Sabine Hazan is a gastroenterologist and CEO of Progenabiome. She is an expert on gut bacteria. When she started studying the microbiomes of COVID-19 patients, she quickly noticed a pattern. “The people that had severe COVID lacked a certain bacteria called bifidobacteria,” she says. In this episode, she breaks down how a healthy gut…

Vitamin C Is the Muscle of the Immune System

A very large body of work, much of it taking place over a half-century ago, has clearly established that the vigorous amounts and administration of vitamin C (often referred to as ascorbic acid) can eliminate most acute infections and promptly neutralize most toxin exposures—including many life-threatening health issues. Behind the scenes, vitamin C is more…

Symptoms of Iron Deficiency and Where to Find It in Food

The health of the human body requires a variety of nutrients, and iron is one of them. Iron has the important function of transporting oxygen throughout the body, and an iron deficiency can affect our health. While there are many ways to supplement iron, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the safest way is dietary supplements….

Vitamin C Taken During Pregnancy Improves Respiratory Function in Babies, Study Shows

Researchers set out to see if women who smoked during pregnancy could benefit from vitamin C supplementation and what effect it might have on the respiratory health of their babies. Two studies conducted years apart have shown both the short- and long-term benefits of vitamin C on the children of women who smoked during their…

The Clinical Impact of Vitamin C: My Personal Experiences as a Physician

Can this inexpensive and convenient vitamin improve and heal the toughest of ailments?  My ongoing relationship with vitamin C now spans a full 20 years, when I first met Dr. Hal Huggins, a pioneering dentist who opened my eyes to a wide array of clinical approaches to different diseases with hitherto unheard-of clinical results at…

Doctor Shares Alternative Spike Protein Treatments When Go-to Options Fail

Over two years into the pandemic and over a year since the COVID-19 vaccinations rolled out, millions of people are still nursing themselves in the aftermaths as they recover from spike protein injuries, whether it be through COVID-19 or vaccinations. Many doctors put together recommendations on treating long COVID and vaccine injuries based on clinical…

What Makes Vitamin E a ‘Grade-A’ Skin Protectant? What’s the Best Way to Take it?

We all want beautiful, supple skin. After all, healthy, vibrant skin symbolizes youth and vitality. But when we expose our bodies to too much sun or environmental irritants, like air pollution, harmful elements known as free radicals can damage your cells. This can lead to chronic inflammation and even tumors. So how do you prevent…

Taiwanese Doctor Recommends 6 Foods to Combat an Aging Appearance

The ageing process gradually breaks down the collagen and elastin fibers that keep your skin young and firm. Aging can also weaken the muscles that support the structure of your face. While these phenomena are difficult to avoid, physicians suggest you can delay them with the use of skin care products and by maintaining a…

Advanced Methods in Alternative Cancer Treatment

Dr. Nathan Goodyear started out as a gynecologist and pelvic floor surgeon. Once out of residency, however, he noticed that a lot of what he had been taught in medical school didn’t work. Then, in 2006, he developed pheochromocytoma, a rare type of tumor that develops in the adrenal gland, causing it to excrete high…

How to Treat Eye Wrinkles and Prevent Fine Lines

How do you feel about the wrinkles around your eyes? Are you at peace with them, or are you looking to make a change? Since we’ve all been wearing masks, we started noticing the upper parts of our faces more. Do you notice drooping on your upper eyelids, hollowness or darkness underneath, or perhaps the…