Tag: traditional medicine

Why Ayurveda Is a Crucial New Way of Thinking

Ayurveda is a profound way of seeing. Many begin by dabbling in ayurveda and then quickly realize how potent it is. While it may be challenging to understand at first, exposure to ayurveda reveals that there’s something special hidden in its strange words. Ayurveda means “the science of life” in Sanskrit, the classical language of ancient…

Losing Weight While Gaining Muscle—These Beans Win Out Over Others

Beans are an important source of protein and good for weight loss and muscle gain. Of the dazzling array of bean products on the market, which of them offers more health benefits? According to Chen Tsung-Yu, a Taiwanese nutritionist, the nutritional components of various bean products can be categorized into grains, vegetables, and proteins. He…

Tips for Falling Asleep and Staying Asleep–Natural & Chinese Medicine

How much sleep do you get each night? Do you wake in the early hours, unable to get back to sleep? Poor sleep is another modern ‘epidemic’ that is weakening the concentration, souring the mood, and darkening the days of many people. Could knowing your ‘organs’ body clock’ or gauging your ‘metabolic efficiency’ help where…

Avoid Curettage After Miscarriage, Use Diet to Recover

Chinese medicine practitioners (CMP) believe in preventing disease and regulating the body through eating certain foods. Ever since I was a child, when I got sick, my parents always consulted Western doctors. I did the same as an adult, and didn’t think about seeing a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner. However, an experience I had…

Wellness Hack: 3 Simple Ways to Treat Stiff Shoulders and Chronic Neck Pain

Have you ever felt you could not move your neck or stiff shoulders after a long work day? Strained neck and shoulders are some common discomforts people experience in a high-stress environment, such as in the workplace, on a crowded street, or even from working from home during the pandemic. Muscle soreness may seem insignificant,…

Traditional Chinese Medicine | 6 Quick, Easy Ways to Treat Burns and Scalds Without Leaving Scars

In daily life, accidental burns and scalds happen from time to time, so how to treat them in an emergency so as not to cause further infection or leave scars? Wu Kuo-pin, director of Xinyitang Chinese Medical Clinic, said that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has its own set of special clinical experience methods for the…

Modern Civilization, Modern People, and Modern Diseases (Part III and IV)

From the beginning of the industrial revolution, human beings have accelerated the destruction of the environment. Since drilling for and utilizing petroleum, humanity set about destroying and polluting the environment in earnest. In the past, people stored things in vats, wooden containers, and willow and bamboo baskets. Vats are made from heating molded clay and…

A Betrayal of the Precautionary Principle

Making difficult decisions in the face of uncertainty is a common feature of all crises. The pandemic was no exception but, sadly, much of the decision-making was conducted under a misapprehension (and, occasionally, wilful distortion) of the uncertainties involved. The biggest uncertainty was the extent to which non-pharmaceutical interventions would curb the spread of infection….