Tag: HK Life

Nourish the Heart and Blood Vessels With These 5 Foods, Plus 2 Cardioprotective Acupoints

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States alone, one person dies from CVD every 33 seconds. How can traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) nourish the heart, improve circulation, and enhance the…

6 Therapeutic Uses of Onion to Support Spleen, Stomach, Liver, and Kidney Function

Though a common vegetable, onions are anything but ordinary. On the contrary, onions are often referred to as the “Queen of Vegetables” and are a nutrition-rich,  therapeutic food for health. Shu Rong, a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioner from the UK, brings over 26 years of professional medical experience, including serving as a special physician…

2 Acupoints and Food Suggestions to Help Relieve Abdominal Pain

Do you get stomachaches after eating? Do you sometimes feel chest tightness, have gas and a turning stomach, and sometimes even nausea or vomiting? Yuen Oi-lin, a registered traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioner in Hong Kong, said on the program “100 Diseases and 100 Cures” that emotions and eating habits will affect gastrointestinal (GI) health. She…

Using Mobile Phones Increases Hypertension Risk: Study

Whether it’s for work or to stay in touch with friends and family, many people spend hours on their mobile phones every day. However, people rarely consider whether this habit could hurt their health. A study has found that using mobile phones for 30 minutes or more per week increases the risk of hypertension. A…

Dietary Fiber Helps Prevent Dementia, but Be Wary of Supplements When Taking These Medications

Many people consume less fiber than nutritionists recommend in countries such as the United States and Australia. However, recent studies have indicated that fiber may have more benefits than just promoting bowel motility. People should be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits high in dietary fiber, which may potentially reduce the incidence of dementia. So…

5 Fruits to Help You Lose Weight and the Best Time to Eat Them

Many people avoid eating fruit while trying to lose weight due to the sweetness of the fruits. However, Cheng Hanyu, a Taiwanese nutritionist, suggests that as long as you choose the right type of fruit, the nutrients in them can help the body’s metabolism, burn fat, and reduce cardiovascular diseases. Hanyu suggests five fruits that aid…

Alzheimer’s Disease Versus Forgetfulness–How to Know When to Seek Help

Aging comes with many challenges, sometimes including ones that can affect our ability to function in daily life—such as those relating to memory. With the prevalence of Alzheimer’s Disease, some may worry they are on that path. What are the factors that reduce our capacity to remember? How do Alzheimer’s and forgetfulness differ? How do…

Preserving the Pathways: Key Strategies for Healthy Blood Vessels and Clearing Vascular Waste

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the deadliest disease worldwide. In the United States, nearly 700,000 people died from heart disease in 2021, accounting for one-fifth of all deaths. As one grows older, blood vessels undergo gradual inevitable damage, some may even begin to harden and clot. Clearing the blood vessels becomes an important task for good…

Addressing Dementia, Macular Degeneration, and Prostate Cancer With the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet, ranked the best diet by U.S. News & World Report for six consecutive years, is renowned for its cardiovascular benefits, and its benefits extend beyond that. In this article, Man Man, a nutritionist at the All Round Clinic in Taiwan, will provide insights on combating age-related macular degeneration, prostate cancer, and dementia…

Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Internal Fatigue: 8 Self-Assessment Questions and Tips for Improvement

“Internal fatigue” can lead to declining bodily functions and various health issues. However, since internal organs cannot be observed externally, it is difficult for individuals to know the current state of their organs. Therefore, Japanese doctors have introduced self-assessment methods for internal fatigue and simple breathing exercises to improve it. Dr. Kotaro Nakata, an internal…