Tag: healthy food

Food Logs: How They Can Help You Feel Better

Keeping a food log is like journaling. Instead of writing about your day, though, you’re writing about what you’re eating. It’s a great way to stick to a diet, get to the root of food intolerances or gauge your energy levels and mood. Food is medicine. We need it for fuel, not just for energy,…

The Healthiest Fruits

youtu.be/Zh4uCunynDk The wonders of berries…

Fruit of the Month: Clementines

Clementines are the small citrus in boxes or mesh bags that appear in markets during the winter months. This year’s crop is tasty, juicy and plentiful (prices are low!). They’re great for snacking, dessert or in fruit salads. Clementines also make a wonderful addition to almost any green salad, or in my recipes for salads of whole grains…

All About Nuts: 8 Healthiest Varieties

Do you want a quick, easy, no-prep snack that can keep you fueled on-the-go while reducing your risk of disease and death? It sounds nuts — and it is nuts! If you are interested in maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, nuts are, quite simply, a food group you need in your life. Compact and convenient, in…

A Casserole Connoisseur’s Guide to Healthy Substitutions

I grew up in church, literally. My father, the minister, saw to it that the preacher’s kids never missed a gathering. Even when not a scheduled event, we were still in church cleaning, folding bulletins, or just hanging out. I credit my heritage for my expertise as a connoisseur of the all-American casserole. There’s just…

A Refreshing Summer Superfood

If you’re looking for a refreshing, sweet, and juicy treat to enjoy this summer, grab a mango. These tropical fruits are loaded with vitamins and minerals to support your health in several ways. Mangoes have more than 20 vitamins and minerals and are great sources of vitamin A, C, fiber, potassium, and more. That means…