Category: nanoparticles

Cornell Study: Nanoparticles in Foods May Harm Gut Microbiome

Would you like to enhance your mood, promote smoother skin, improve heart and immune function, enjoy better sleep, and increase your energy levels? If you answered “yes,” you’ll want to take better care of your gut by avoiding metal nanoparticles being found within the food supply. Decades of research show us that a healthy gut…

Innovative Drug Delivery System Holds Promise for Treating Obesity and Its Complications

A research team from the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong has developed a new delivery system for thyroid hormone (TH) using nanoparticles modified with an adipose-homing peptide. This system selectively transports TH to adipose tissues, which could advance the treatment of obesity-related medical complications and reduce the…

Messenger RNA Technology for Heart Disease Fast-Tracked

An Australian government research fund has granted $1.7 million (US$1.1 million) to target three major cardiovascular diseases using messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, accelerating the use of gene therapy’s treatment of diseases beyond COVID-19. Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, one of Australia’s oldest medical research organisations focused on heart disease, welcomed the grant from Medical Research…

Messenger RNA Technology Fast-Tracked for Treating for Heart Conditions

An Australian government research fund has granted $1.7 million (US$1.1 million) to target three major cardiovascular diseases using messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, accelerating the use of gene therapy’s treatment of diseases beyond COVID-19. Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, one of Australia’s oldest medical research organisations focused on heart disease, welcomed the grant from Medical Research…

Nanoparticle Cures Sepsis in Mice, Potentials for Future Treatment

The use of engineered nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide [NAD(H)], a molecule common to many animals, resulted in 100 percent sepsis survival in mice, creating a potential future treatment, a University of Wisconsin-Madison study has found. Researchers from the study say the NAD(H) nanoparticles also have the potential to treat many other diseases because NAD(H) is involved…

Silver: Metal as Medicine

Silver has been used as an anti-microbial agent long before people knew of microbes. The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and other ancient cultures all used silver vessels to safely store food and purify water. American pioneers added silver coins to milk bottles to slow spoilage. Ancient doctors treated wounds with various silver preparations to speed healing….

Your Take-Out Coffee Cup May Shed Trillions of Plastic ‘Nanoparticles’

Maybe you ask the barista for cream with your coffee, and possibly sugar as well. But new research shows that paper cup of joe you grab off the coffeehouse counter contains another ingredient, and it’s one you might not care for — trillions of tiny plastic particles that leach into your hot java from the cup’s plastic…

Nanoparticles Being Used in More Food and Drugs

If you’re one of those people that can often be found in the food aisles of grocery stores reading labels and looking for ingredients you can’t pronounce and don’t want to eat, you’ve most likely noticed several ingredients that, unbeknownst to you, are made using nanotechnology—a process that converts silver, copper, gold, aluminum, silicon, carbon,…