Tag: symptoms

Headache Pain: What to Do When Your Head Hurts

Most of us get headaches from time to time. Some are mild. Others cause throbbing pain. They can last for minutes or days. There are many types of headaches. How you treat yours depends on which kind you have. Headaches might arise because of another medical condition, such as swollen sinuses or head injury. In…

6 Lung Cancer Warning Signs That You Should Never Ignore

Cancer has become a worldwide problem and is the second leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease. Lung cancer is one of those diseases that can just creep up on you, and by the time you notice something is wrong, often the cancer is pretty advanced. In fact, in America, lung…

8 Warning Signs of Stomach Cancer That You Shouldn’t Ignore

As medical researchers and healthcare providers have emphasized in messages to the public over the past decades, cancer can often be beaten or at least managed. But this depends on one all-important factor—detecting the disease before it has the chance to develop and spread. Stomach cancer isn’t the most common form of cancer in the…

Headaches Are of Different Types and Each Has Some Health Reasons, Find Out More

Knowing which kind of a headache you are experiencing can help you to treat it properly. Here, we have listed six types of headaches together with their symptoms in order to help you make a diagnosis. Although a headache is defined as a pain localized “in any region of the head,” in reality, there are many…

9 Signs to Watch for That May Indicate Pancreatic Cancer

When it comes to monitoring one’s personal health, it’s important to know the signs that something might be amiss. While it’s easy to tell if you have a cold or the stomach flu, though, many more serious ailments—such as cancers or other more severe maladies—can be much trickier to diagnose. Random aches and pains can…

Gov. Gen. Mary Simon Tests Positive for COVID 19, Has Mild Symptoms

OTTAWA—Canada’s Governor General has tested positive for COVID-19. Gov. Gen. Mary Simon says in a statement on Twitter that she tested positive Wednesday morning and is experiencing mild symptoms. Simon says she will continue to self-isolate and take some time to rest in the coming days. Her diagnosis follows that of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,…

Findings Announced From UK Study That Purposefully Infected Participants With COVID-19

COVID-19 symptoms develop more quickly than most experts thought, according to the first findings from a study that purposefully infected volunteers with the disease. Participants experienced symptoms on average two days after contact with the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19, the study found. Detection of the virus in infected individuals came initially by using…

BC Reduces COVID 19 Self Isolation to Five Days With No Symptoms

VANCOUVER—British Columbia’s top doctor says the requirement to self-isolate after testing positive for COVID-19 is being reduced to five days for those without symptoms. Dr. Bonnie Henry says people must wear a mask around others for an additional five days after leaving self-isolation, which is dependent on being free of symptoms. People who haven’t been…

Holistic Ways to Fight Lasting COVID-19 Symptoms

Many people who have endured COVID-19 have found themselves dealing with lasting symptoms, even months after testing negative for active infection. Some of these symptoms include tiredness or fatigue, difficulty thinking or concentrating, dizziness, headaches, and joint or muscle pain. Some COVID-19 survivors also find themselves battling anxiety and depression, as well as symptoms that…

About 23 Percent of COVID-19 Patients Have Long-Lasting Symptoms, New Study Finds

A large and detailed study found that although most patients recover within weeks from the CCP virus, nearly one-fifth develops at least one long-lasting symptom one month after their initial diagnosis.