Tag: prebiotics

Researchers Call for Probiotics Long-Term Safety to Be Revised

New scientific evidence shows probiotics’ long-term safety needs to be looked at more closely after the good bacteria were newly assessed by a group of experts in food science, microbiology and other related medical fields. Their goal was to find out discover how safe probiotics are given that they are increasingly being used not only…

3 Common Foods Give You a Bad Gut Microbiome

The gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, these microbiome are of vital importance to your health. What foods can hurt—or help your microbiome? Health Effects of a Bad Gut Microbiome Dr. Colby Kash, COO and Cofounder of Camelot Biocapital, and author of The Autoimmune Plague: How to Regain…

Depression Might Originate in Your Gut, Ways to Heal

Did you know that gut health may be an important tool in fighting depression? Researchers are learning more about the gut-brain connection and how we might harness this relationship for better mental health. The Gut-Brain Connection There’s a name for this connection: the gut-brain axis. According to a chapter in “Translational Bioinformatics and Systems Biology…

Fermented Foods and Fibre May Lower Stress Levels – New Study

When it comes to dealing with stress, we’re often told the best things we can do are exercise, make time for our favourite activities or try meditation or mindfulness. But the kinds of foods we eat may also be an effective way of dealing with stress, according to research published by me and other members…

Prebiotics and Probiotics

If you’re not thinking about your gut health, you’re missing an important element of your overall health. Your gut can influence mood, immunity, metabolism, and the functionality of your body’s internal systems. How does it have this kind of power? Think about it this way: You’ve got trillions of cells in your body that most…

Good Things Can Happen When Your Gut Is Happy

There is an ever-expanding pool of research indicating that your gut health can influence how you think, feel, and function. But if you want the mental and emotional benefits of a healthy gut, you have to give your gut what it needs. The magic that fuels your gut’s psychological impact is bugs—tiny little microorganisms that…