Tag: gratitude

Why Living a Life of Gratitude Can Make You Happy

Many days, I try to humble myself and hold a 2-minute gratitude session. I simply sit or kneel, with no distractions, close my eyes, and think about what I’m grateful for and who I’m grateful for. I don’t do it every day, but let me tell you, on the days I do it, it makes…

How to Practice Gratitude Journaling to Encourage More Joy in Your Life

As humans we tend to naturally gravitate toward negative events rather than remembering the positive, uplifting ones. A new study suggests that holding on to negative feelings can trigger long-term effects on psychological well being. The longer your brain holds onto negative events, the more likely you are to develop chronic stress which can lead…

Woman Befriends Crow Family Who Leaves Her With Small Gifts as a Token of Their Gratitude

A woman from Virginia who has formed an unlikely relationship with a family of crows by feeding them food has shared videos of them showing their gratitude to her by giving her all sorts of miniature gifts. “Crows give gifts to each other, they also cache things they find interesting,” Tango Steinke told The Epoch…

Kids and Etiquette: As the World Becomes More Impersonal, Manners Become More Important

Adults who have good manners and are respectful of others evolved from children who had the fortune of having a caring adult who served as a role model. Return the favor to the next generation. Teach by Example How you teach your children is just as important as what you teach them. Teaching by example…

When Is Mother’s Day 2022?

People around the world honor mom on Mother’s Day by bringing her breakfast in bed or by checking some items off her bucket list. And while the holiday falls on a Sunday every year, the date changes annually. In 2022, Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 8. Food for Mother’s Day There’s no better way to show mom how much…

Can Mindfulness Make You Better at Apologizing?

It’s not always easy to apologize. When we hurt someone, we may be loath to acknowledge our transgression because it makes us feel guilty, conflicts with our beliefs about being a good person, or means accepting that we are imperfect human beings. We may want to excuse our behavior and blame the other person, minimizing…

Does Practicing Gratitude Help Your Immune System?

Being grateful seems to have a lot of positive effects on our lives. In fact, grateful people may have better sleep, healthier hearts, and fewer aches and pains. But what is going on in our bodies when we’re grateful that might help us be healthier? A couple of recent studies aimed to find out. In…

Four Surprising Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

A lot of us are suffering from lack of sleep these days. According the Centers for Disease Control, about 35% of adult Americans regularly get less than seven hours of sleep per night, with African Americans and other minority groups sleeping even less than that. Improving “sleep hygiene” is a good remedy—including going to bed at the…

Giving Is Good for You

Fundraisers and requests from charities used to bother me. So did the collection plate at church. I felt guilty because no matter how much money we made, there was never enough to give any of it away. And with all the debt we had (it was plenty!), how could I be expected to help others…

How a 5-Minute Gratitude Practice Has Changed Me

I’m often pushed to learn foundational life lessons from the thoughts and actions of my young children. Their youthful musings can allow me to ponder a greater meaning, one that can be discussed with them and contemplated more deeply afterward. I’ve been reflecting on what it means to have gratitude lately as I’ve observed behaviors from my…