Category: teens

Too Little Sleep Could Have Teens Piling on Pounds

New research suggests that not getting enough sleep may doom adolescents and teens to obesity and poorer health as they enter adulthood. Those who slept less than eight hours a night were more likely to be overweight or obese than their peers who do get enough sleep, the study found. Those shorter sleepers were also…

Tips to Food-Fueling Your Active Vegan Child

Kids can take part in sports while on vegetarian and vegan diets, but parents and caregivers must help them select foods that will fuel them and meet their nutrition needs. Vegan athletes can become deficient in vitamin B12, vitamin D, long-chain omega-3 fats, riboflavin and calcium, so it’s important to find good substitutes, said Roberta…

Tasty, Nutritious School Lunches for Your Budget

School lunches can be nutritious, help kids maintain their energy throughout the day and fit into a budget. One nutrition expert offers some tips for cost-effective healthy lunch options. “All foods belong in our diet, but we need to view them as energy,” said Courtney Cary, a senior registered dietitian at Baylor College of Medicine…

Teen Brains Tune out Mom’s Voice More Starting at 13

Teen brains no longer find moms’ voices uniquely rewarding starting around age 13, and start to tune into unfamiliar voices more, according to new research. For the study in the Journal of Neuroscience, the researchers used functional MRI brain scans to give the first detailed neurobiological explanation for how teens begin to separate from their parents….

The Rise and Fall of E-cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), better known as vapes, seem to be on the path of decline. After a series of regulations and market takedowns by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), media reports of adverse effects, and lobbying by legislators and health advocates, the demand for e-cigarettes has fallen. In July 2022, FDA banned JUUL products,…

California Becomes Battleground for COVID Lawsuits and Legislation Surrounding Minors

In California, a state that has been continuously passing bills surrounding COVID-19 vaccine policies, attorneys are “chipping away at each part of this puzzle,” aiming to educate and empower people one lawsuit at a time. Nicole Pearson, the attorney and founder of Facts Law Truth Justice (FLTJ) has been filing and winning lawsuits against vaccine…

Turning Away From Vaping, Nicotine-Addicted Teens Choose Candy, Gums

Teens increasingly are turning to nicotine-loaded gum, lozenges and gummies for a quick rush, a groundbreaking study warns. Tobacco-free oral nicotine products were the second-most commonly used nicotine or tobacco items among more than 3,500 Southern California ninth- and tenth-graders surveyed last fall, researchers reported Aug. 8 in the journal Pediatrics. About 3.4% of respondents…

Getting Young Athletes Ready for a New School Year

As a new school year begins, many students return to their favorite sports or try something new. Encouraging kids to make physical activity part of their lives has lifelong benefits, said Dr. Theodore Shybut, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery and sports medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Shybut offered some tips for getting…

Why Do Teens Engage in Self-Harm? Clinical Psychologists Explains

Emotions are tricky things. They allow for humans to fall in love, wage war and, as it turns out, engage in self-harm. It is hard to imagine an era in which young adults were more distressed than today. Recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data indicates that more than 40% of high school students…

Financial Struggles Can Be Tough on Families, And Tough to Explain to Kids

Financial pressures may have made this a year when some families can’t afford pricy extras, such as after-school activities or summer camp. It’s OK to explain this to your kids, said an expert from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, who offered tips for the conversation, as well as low-cost alternatives for budget-friendly summer fun….