Category: medical industry

Many Common Diseases Are Reversible With Diet, but Medical Industry Favors Drugs: Doctor

Dr. Richard Amerling is co-author of “The Next Wave is Brave: Standing Up for Medical Freedom.” He is the former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and the chief academic officer of The Wellness Company, a health care organization promoting medical freedom and patient-centered care outside of the mainstream medical establishment. With…

Australian Federal Government Poised to Reduce Prescription Costs

The Albanese government has tabled a bill to cut the maximum cost of medical prescriptions by more than A$10 (US$6.82)  The scheme aims to make medicines cheaper by cutting prescriptions covered by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) by 30 percent, with the maximum general co-payment dropping from $42.50 to $30. The federal government estimated the…

Americans Must Reclaim Their Health From Big Pharma, Government Agencies: Mark Sherwood

In a recent interview with NTD, Mark Sherwood, a naturopathic doctor and former 2022 candidate for governor of Oklahoma, said Americans need to focus more on the self-sovereignty of their health and free themselves from the corporate, government-influenced health sector. “Sovereignty is the ability to self-govern,” said Sherwood, founder of the Functional Medical Institute in…

Americans Must Reclaim Their Health From Big Pharma, Government Agencies: Naturopathic Doctor

In a recent interview with The Epoch Times, Mark Sherwood, a naturopathic doctor and former 2022 candidate for governor of Oklahoma, said Americans need to focus more on the self-sovereignty of their health and free themselves from the corporate, government-influenced health sector. “Sovereignty is the ability to self-govern,” said Sherwood, founder of the Functional Medical…

Hospital Patients Need an Advocate to Fight the ‘White Coats’ in the Medical Establishment, Former Nurse Says

The need for medical patients to have their own advocates has become critical in light of increasing reports from family members who believe their loved ones died in the hospital because of the COVID-19 treatment protocols prescribed by doctors. To assist in breaking up what Priscilla Romans called “an unhealthy co-dependency” between patients and the…