Category: indigestion

9 Tips to Get Rid of Stomach Pain, Flatulence, and Gastric Acid Reflux

Modern-day living can often be hectic and result in abnormal eating and diet patterns. Coupled with stress from work, outpatient clinics often come across patients who seek treatment for diseases related to the spleen and stomach, such as stomach pain, flatulence, gastric acid reflux, and belching. From a therapeutic point of view, both Chinese and…

Symptoms, Causes, and Cures for Weak Stomach Acid

People often talk about “acid stomach” being a bad thing. To tame a burning belly, they might drink milk or chug Pepto-Bismol and blame the fiery feeling on too much stomach acid. But rather than needing to decrease the amount of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach, many people actually need to increase it. It…

Is Low Stomach Acid Damaging Your Health?

When it comes to stomach acid, most people think they have too much. Problems such as heartburn, acid reflux or indigestion are often attributed to excess stomach acid. But in many cases, it’s not the case at all. In fact, these problems may be due to LOW stomach acid. This can lead to further problems…

Top 5 Reasons Never to Take a Proton Pump Inhibitor

Millions of doses of “acid blocking” proton pump inhibitor drugs are doled out every year, yet most doctors and their patients are completely oblivious to their adverse effects, like increased risk for premature death. Proton pump inhibitors are a type of drug commonly known as acid-blockers, whose primary purpose is to reduce the amount of…

Top 5 Reasons Never to Take a Proton Pump Inhibitor (Acid Blocker)

Millions of doses of “acid blocking” proton pump inhibitor drugs are doled out every year, yet most doctors and their patients are completely oblivious to their adverse effects, like increased risk for premature death. Proton pump inhibitors are a type of drug commonly known as acid-blockers, whose primary purpose is to reduce the amount of…

How to Limit the Effects of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can turn a great meal with loved ones into a nightmare. The burning sensation can suck the joy from the meal and take you away from those memorable summer nights. There are only a few short months to enjoy seasonal cookouts, and you want to make the most of them. Heartburn can be…