Tag: acid reflux

CUHK Creates NonInvasive Way to Treat Gastric Reflux Without Surgery or Drugs

Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) researchers have developed a new, noninvasive way to prevent and treat gastric acid reflux with the potential for patients to avoid surgery or drugs. The research details have been published in the open-access journal Science Advances. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common and challenging digestive disorder caused by lower esophageal…

The Essential Guide to Acid Reflux and GERD: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Natural Remedies

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) results from stomach acid repeatedly flowing back into the esophagus, the digestive tube that runs between the mouth and stomach, due to a dysfunction in the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This can irritate the lining of the esophagus. Many people experience occasional gastroesophageal reflux (GER), more commonly known as acid reflux…

Esophageal Cancer: One of Least Studied Common Cancers, 5 Ways to Prevent

While esophageal cancer is the eighth most common cancer worldwide, and the sixth leading cause of cancer-related deaths, it is one of the least studied cancers. It sounds counterintuitive. However, there are many reasons why there is a lack of study, including this cancer’s aggressive nature, poor survival rate, and the great differences in how…

Having Chest Pain? It May Not Be Caused by Heart Disease

Chest pain is one of the most frequent causes of emergency department (ED) visits in high-income countries. It is responsible for more than 8 million visits to EDs in the United States each year, making it the second most frequent cause of emergency visits after stomach and abdominal pain. Chest pain can stem from a heart…

Hidden, Silent Reflux May Be Damaging Your Throat

Silent reflux is a condition that often hides in plain sight. If you have a chronic cough, frequent throat clearing, or often have a sore throat, you may have silent reflux. Reflux means your stomach contents come back up into your throat, which for many people causes heartburn. In silent reflux, heartburn may not happen,…

Duration of Stomach Acid Blocker Therapy Varies

I have had acid reflux for many years. About six months ago, a doctor looked down my esophagus and into my stomach (a test he called an upper endoscopy) because the symptoms were getting worse. My esophagus was inflamed, and I was told to take pantoprazole indefinitely. But now I rarely have heartburn. Do I…

Reflux or GERD?

Most of us get heartburn from time to time. It may come as a burning sensation in the chest or a bitter taste in the back of the throat. Heartburn is one word people use to describe reflux. It happens when stomach contents come back upwards. Reflux is sometimes painless: You may have trouble swallowing or…

How to Limit the Effects of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can turn a great meal with loved ones into a nightmare. The burning sensation can suck the joy from the meal and take you away from those memorable summer nights. There are only a few short months to enjoy seasonal cookouts, and you want to make the most of them. Heartburn can be…