Category: CCTV

Foreign Dictatorships Shouldn’t Have Broadcasting Licenses in Canada, Says Poilievre

Canada’s policy towards autocratic foreign countries who broadcast propaganda should be consistent and apply to organs of the Chinese state, Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre says. “We need a consistent policy for all dictatorships. We shouldn’t allow one rule for Russia and another completely for China,” Poilievre said in French on April 5 while visiting…

Foreign Dictatorships Shouldn’t Have Broadcasting Licences in Canada, Says Poilievre

Canada’s policy toward autocratic foreign countries who broadcast propaganda should be consistent and apply to organs of the Chinese state, Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre says. “We need a consistent policy for all dictatorships. We shouldn’t allow one rule for Russia and another completely for China,” Poilievre said in French on April 5 while visiting…

Hong Kong Legend Singer Criticized for Saying ‘Hong Kong Add Oil’ on July 1 Anniversary

A culture of expressing patriotic gratitude has emerged in mainland China. Actors are required to record videos for greetings on national days, and the content will be inspected by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s young underprevileged supporters. Jacky Cheung Hok-yau, the “God of Songs,” who is also one of four kings of pop music in…

Concerns Raised Over Australian Journalist Cheng Lei as Beijing Suspends Consular Visits

The partner of Cheng Lei, a Chinese-Australian journalist, detained in China for almost two years, has raised concerns about Cheng’s declining health and the suspension of consular visits. Nick Coyle, the outgoing CEO of the Australian China Chamber of Commerce, revealed that monthly consular visits and regular 30-minute video meetings between his partner Cheng and Australian…

Shanghai Netizens: State Media Fake News of ‘Thousand Stores Reopened With Sufficient Food Supplies’

Shanghai, with a population of more than 26 million, has been under lockdown for almost 3 weeks, causing an increasingly dire situation. The local people are struggling for food, supplies, and access to medical care. The Chinese communist regime’s state TV network CCTV recently reported that more than 1,000 supermarkets and stores in Shanghai have…

Australian Ambassador Denied Entry to China’s Secret Trial of Journalist Cheng Lei

Court officials in Beijing have denied Australia’s ambassador to China, Graham Fletcher, entry to the closed-door trial of Chinese-born Australian journalist Cheng Lei on March 31. A court official at the No. 2 People’s Intermediate Court in Beijing reportedly told Fletcher that he could not enter because the court case involved “state secrets.” “This is…

Australian Foreign Ministry Confirms Journalist Cheng Lei Will Face Trial in Beijing

Australia’s foreign ministry has confirmed that Australian journalist Cheng Lei will face trial in China on March 31, after media outlets reported on the upcoming date trial on Friday, citing their own sources. “The Australian Government has regularly raised serious concerns about Ms Cheng’s welfare and conditions of detention. Our officials have visited her regularly,…

Rogers, Bell, Telus, and Shaw Remove Russia State Media Outlet RT From Channel Lineups

Rogers, Bell, Telus, and Shaw have removed Russian state media outlet Russia Today (RT) from their channel lineups after Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez announced Ottawa is looking at “all options” to drop the network from Canada’s broadcasting system. “I share the concerns of many Canadians about the presence of Russia Today in our broadcasting system….

Capsized River Boat Leaves 10 Dead in Southwest China

BEIJING—A boat that capsized on a river in southwest China has left at least 10 people dead, with another five still missing, according to state media on Sunday. CCTV said that the ship overturned shortly after it departed Saturday evening in Guizhou Province. Preliminary investigations suggest that the ship was blown over by strong winds….

Chinese Court Rules Against #MeToo Plaintiff

BEIJING—A Beijing court late on Tuesday ruled against the plaintiff in a high-profile Chinese sexual harassment case, saying there was insufficient evidence to support her claims. Zhou Xiaoxuan, 28, in a series of social media posts in 2018 accused television personality Zhu Jun at state broadcaster CCTV of groping and forcibly kissing her in 2014…