Tag: australia election

Coalition Pledges $75 Million to Help Farmers Buy Their First Farm

The Coalition has promised $75 million to help farmers buy their first farm, encouraging more people into the agriculture industry as land prices surge. A $75 million Future Farmer Guarantee Scheme will be rolled out over 18 months, beginning on Jan. 1, 2023, according to Agriculture Minister David Littleproud. The scheme would see the government acting…

Election Campaigning Kicks Off in Australia

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has underlined his government’s results in the face of the global pandemic, as the federal election campaign enters its first full day. Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese will hit the ground in Launceston, campaigning in the critical electorate of Bass, while also seeking to highlight the government’s dysfunction over the past…

WAxit Party Hopes Secession Gains Traction in Upcoming State Election

Following in the footsteps of Brexit, the newly formed WAxit Party is hoping it can convince voters of the merits of withdrawing Western Australia (WA) from the Commonwealth in the upcoming March state election. Talks of secession have been present throughout the last year with WA implementing strict border closures to counter the CCP (Chinese Communist…