Category: Australia Labor Party

Labor and Greens at Crossroads Over Environment Safeguard Mechanism

The Australian Greens’ attempt to compel the Labor federal government to stop new coal or gas projects has put the two political parties at crossroads. Labor is currently in negotiations with the Greens to drive the Safeguard Mechanism legislation through the Senate after the Liberals and the Nationals said they would oppose it, leaving the…

Labor Candidate Pulled out of Election Race Following Revelation About Lavish Personal Spending

Canterbury-Bankstown Mayor Khal Asfour has stepped down as a New South Wales Labor candidate after reports emerged about his lavish spending during a council trip in Tokyo. The Daily Telegraph on Friday reported Asfour charged ratepayers $120 for a health spa treatment, claimed hundreds of dollars for alcohol and thousands of dollars for luxury clothing spent…

Labor MP Dismissed From Shadow Cabinet After Accusing Fellow Party Member of Corruption

New South Wales (NSW) Labor MP Tania Mihailuk has lost her position in the shadow ministry after criticising a fellow party member running for the state’s upper house. Labor opposition leader Chris Minns on Friday said he had dismissed Mihailuk from his cabinet, accusing her of making “political attacks by parliamentary privilege.” But NSW Liberal…

Counting Continues as Australian Labor Party Just One Seat Shy of a Majority Government

Labor’s hopes for majority government are now pinned on three electorates after a fourth lower house seat went to the Greens. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Saturday called last weekend’s election an “outstanding result” for the party. The major parties both received record-low primary votes, but Albanese pointed to voters in traditional blue-ribbon seats…

Labor’s Kristina Keneally ‘Out of Touch’ With the Challenges of Western Sydney: Local Independent

Western Sydney independent candidate, Dai Le, says Labor’s choice for the multicultural seat of Fowler is “out of touch” with locals in the area. Sen. Kristina Keneally was parachuted by the Labor Party into the electorate after concerns from party leaders that she might not hold her Senate seat in the upcoming election. Dai Le,…

‘There Are More Important Issues’: Labor Treasury Defends Delayed Policy Costings Release

Labor Treasury spokesman Jim Chalmers has rejected the claims that Australia Labor party’s (ALP)  leader Anthony Albanese cannot handle the pressure after the opposition leader abruptly left his press conference in Perth on Wednesday. Albanese has reportedly brushed off several questions about Labor’s policy costings and whether it would post higher deficits than forecast. Instead, he argued that…

Coalition Pledges $75 Million to Help Farmers Buy Their First Farm

The Coalition has promised $75 million to help farmers buy their first farm, encouraging more people into the agriculture industry as land prices surge. A $75 million Future Farmer Guarantee Scheme will be rolled out over 18 months, beginning on Jan. 1, 2023, according to Agriculture Minister David Littleproud. The scheme would see the government acting…

Victoria Boosts Mental Health Support Following Federal Budget

The state Victorian government has announced a boost to mental health and wellbeing to support for Victorian schools following the 2022 federal budget announcement. “We want all Victorians to have access to the tools they need to be happy and resilient—and that’s why we’re bolstering mental health and wellbeing support at schools right across Victoria,”…

‘Global Collaboration’: Victorian Government in Agreement with Pfizer

The Victorian state government has announced an agreement with the biopharmaceutical company Pfizer to increase “global collaboration opportunities with Victorian researchers and industry” on Mar. 18. Victoria’s minister for innovation and medical research, Jaala Pulford said that “this agreement with one of the world’s leading biopharmaceutical companies is a strong endorsement of the strength of…

Victorian Government Announces Travel Vouchers

The Victorian Labor Government announced further travel vouchers as part of the Victorian and Seniors Travel Voucher Scheme program under the state’s $200 million (US$145.5 million ) business stimulus package to support local businesses and jobs. The state announced on March 14 that a further 150,000 travel vouchers worth 30 million (US$21.8 million) will be…