Category: David Littleproud

More Australian Fruit Added to China’s Import List, With Citrus Industry Welcoming the Change

More Australian fruit is expected to enter the Chinese market after Beijing updated the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC) lists for the first time since 2020, allowing more stone fruit, mangoes, cherries and citrus to reach Chinese consumers. This comes after representatives from Australia’s Department of Agriculture and China’s…

New Tax on Farmers Will Send Food Cost Soaring, Sector Warns

Farmers are warning the federal Labor government that its decision to ignore the sector and increase taxes on producers will force up the price of food, pushing the cost of living even higher. This comes as the federal government announced in the budget that it will introduce a new 10 percent levy on all domestic agricultural,…

New Tax on Australian Farmers Will Send Food Costs Soaring, Sector Warns

Farmers are warning the federal Labor government that its decision to ignore the sector’s suggestions and increase taxes on domestic producers will force up the price of food, pushing the cost of living for Australians even higher. This comes as the federal government announced in its budget released Tuesday that proposes introducing a new 10…

WA Government Eyes Solution to Carnarvon Booze Problem

Alcohol restrictions are likely to be introduced in Carnarvon to help the West Australian tourist town deal with a spike in antisocial behaviour. Additional police have been sent to the northern coastal town in WA’s Gascoyne region, where businesses have been burgled, and a police vehicle was allegedly rammed by a stolen car last month….

Nationals Announce They Will Not Support the Indigenous Voice to Parliament

The National party has announced it will not support the federal Labor government’s move to create a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous Voice to Parliament. In Australia, the National Party typically represents regional and rural Australians, including many of the outback Indigenous communities. Speaking at a press conference, National Party leader David Littleproud said that his party…

Australian Government Considers Outlawing Ranson Payments to Hackers

Australia may soon introduce new laws that ban local companies from paying ransom to hackers if they fall victim to data breaches. Speaking to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Insiders program on Nov. 13, Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said the federal government was considering whether it was necessary to make ransom payments illegal following the…

Australian Government Considers Outlawing Ransom Payments to Hackers

Australia may soon introduce new laws that ban local companies from paying ransom to hackers if they fall victim to data breaches. Speaking to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Insiders program on Nov. 13, Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said the federal government was considering whether it was necessary to make ransom payments illegal following the…

Methane Tax Will ‘Take Away the Backyard BBQ,’ Nationals Leader Warns

Leader of the centre-right Nationals Party has urged Labor not to adopt New Zealand’s style methane tax, saying it will cost Australians at the grocery store amid the cost of living crisis. It comes following the news on Thursday that the Labor government is looking to pledge its support to U.S. President Joe Biden’s global…

Australian Motorists Urged to Fill Up Before Fuel Tax Reinstated

Energy experts are urging Australian motorists to fill up their cars before the government reintroduces the full fuel excise, which is expected to lift petrol prices by 25 cents (US 16 cents) a litre at the browser. The excise, which was halved by the former Morrison Government in March to help drivers deal with soaring…

Nationals Call Inquiry Into Former Australian PM Scott Morrison a Political Distraction

An inquiry into the former prime minister appointing himself to oversee five portfolios is unlikely to achieve anything further, Nationals Leader David Littleproud says. Advice from the solicitor-general released last week found that while Scott Morrison’s actions undermined the principles of “responsible government,” he did not break any laws. Littleproud says the inquiry announced by the…