Tag: stress management

Dance Has Positive Effects on Depression: Study

Did you know that dancing has positive effects on depression? Studies have found that dancing can help improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a positive self-image. So if you’re feeling down, why not give dancing a try? There are plenty of different types of dances to choose from, so you’re sure to find…

What Could a ‘Sound Bath’ Do for You?

Sound baths are an easy-to-do form of therapy that’s been found to offer emotional, spiritual, and physical benefits. Picture a scene of elephants hearing sounds from Himalayan singing bowls played near them and becoming more relaxed during medical procedures and operations such as foot care, eye checks, skin care, and even blood draws. As amazing…

9 Stressors That Are Good for You

Not all stress is bad for you. In fact, research continues to support the idea that certain kinds of mild stress can be beneficial to your health and well-being in a myriad of complex ways. It turns out your grandmother might have been right all along— if it doesn’t kill you, it could make you…

Top 5 Foods And Herbs For Stress

Stress is an insidious condition that slowly but surely tears down your quality of life. The fact that your thoughts can create or destroy your health is reason enough to closely monitor what your mind dwells upon on a daily basis. Get a head start on promoting good thoughts and dealing with stress by consuming…

Functional Beverages for Your Health

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”—Hippocrates With the increased interest in healthy diets to support wellness, people are trying new beverages that contain nutrients that help to calm, soothe, and energize. Manufacturers claim these drinks can reduce anxiety, improve sleep, sharpen focus, and more. What Are Functional Beverages? Functional beverages are…

Orange Aromatherapy for Anxiety

The smell of sweet orange essential oil may have anxiety-reducing properties without the potentially addictive, sedating, and adverse effects of Valium-type benzodiazepine drugs. “Aromatherapy is the use of concentrated essential oils extracted from…plants…to treat…disease[s],” and is “commonly used” to treat anxiety symptoms. “Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent class of psychiatric disorders in the general…

Common Problems in Life That Minimalism Can Solve

“Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves.”—Edwin Way Teale Sometimes, the answer to common problems is to begin a different routine, start a new process, or purchase something to make life easier. While this might be true in some situations, I’ve found even…

Natural Options for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Do you suffer from malaise, low energy, brain fog, and a depressed mood? It’s not all in your head. You may have chronic fatigue syndrome, and there is a lot that you can do to feel better and reclaim your energy. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex long-term disorder affecting more than 2 million…

A Research-Backed Guide to Weight Training

Old-fashioned resistance training, such as lifting heavy weights repeatedly until you can’t, is the best way for older adults to slow, or even reverse, age-related muscle loss. Sarcopenia, the medical term for muscle loss, can boost the risk for falls and frailty. Resistance training (also called weight training) can be a huge help. It consists…

What to Do When You’re Feeling Drained

Lately, I’ve noticed that a lot of people are feeling drained by life—the challenges they’re facing, their workloads, the anxiety of the world around them, and more. Someday soon I’ll write a longer guide on how to get yourself to a place of renewed resilience, but for this article, I would like to share how…