Tag: Nervous System

7 Evidence-Based Activities for Parkinson’s Disease

Simple and enjoyable physical activities such as bicycling, dancing, and tai chi can lead to significant improvements in physical and mental symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and sometimes even slow the progression of the disease. Parkinson’s disease is the second-most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s, but it’s growing quickly. “In recent years, PD [Parkinson’s disease] has undergone the fastest growth…

How Sound Reduces Pain in Mice

An international team of scientists has identified the neural mechanisms through which sound blunts pain in mice. The findings, which could inform the development of safer methods to treat pain, were published in the journal, Science. The study was led by researchers at NIDCR; the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei; and Anhui…

Facial Pain Comes to Light

In Brief: Using an imaging technique to visualize pain signals in facial nerves, NIDCR researchers identified a protein that enhances neurons’ responses to painful stimuli. Blocking the protein in mice blunted pain signaling; the results could inform the development of safer, non-opioid pain therapies. From a throbbing tooth or aching jaw to a pounding migraine,…

95 Percent of Population Carries the Culprit Behind MS—This Nutrient Helps Improve Symptoms

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was confirmed as a major culprit of multiple sclerosis (MS) by scientists. EBV is actually ubiquitous in the population and infects up to 95 percent of adults. For years, this was a suspected possibility.The suspicion has been confirmed by a Harvard study published in the journal Science in January 2022. U.S….

New Study Reveals Surprising Cause of Multiple Sclerosis

According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease in which a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks their central nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves.  It can lead to a wide range of signs and symptoms, from numbness and weakness in the limbs to blurry…

A Simple Protocol Is Stopping the Progression of MS

John Otwell was driven by desperation five years ago to search online for a non-pharmaceutical treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS). That’s when he stumbled onto a social media page about the Coimbra protocol. He read testimonies including one by a young man who was playing piano after being unable to even lift his head, and…

Why You Need to Tend to Your Vagus Nerve

Known as the wanderer, the vagus nerve, or cranial nerve X (10), is a long nerve that runs from the cranium to the colon, connecting and controlling all the organs in between. The vagus nerve is the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system, which oversees a vast array of crucial bodily functions, including control…

Nervous Tummy: Why You Might Get the Runs Before a First Date

So, you’re going on a date and you’re understandably a bit nervous. And then you feel it – a churning and cramping in your gut. Suddenly you’re running to the toilet and wondering why your body reacts this way. How does a case of nerves translate to an upset stomach? What is actually happening in…

‘Toxic’ Protein Linked to Multiple Forms of Motor Neurone Disease

An abnormal protein known to cause rare genetic forms of motor neurone disease (MND) could be implicated in nerve cell death in all forms of the condition, Australian researchers have found. The study, led by researchers from the University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre and published in the neuroscience journal “Brain,” is the first…

Sunlight Key to Battling MS and Flare-Ups

People suffering from multiple sclerosis or at risk of developing it can live more rewarding lives when they increase and monitor their vitamin D levels. Your body makes vitamin D in skin, the largest organ, when it’s exposed to sunlight. Higher vitamin D levels lower the risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS), and boosting vitamin…