Tag: mortality

Bill Gates and His Pandemic Agenda: A Way Out, or a Dead End?

Bill Gates’ book “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic” (published in 2022) was written with the firm conviction that future pandemics are the biggest threat to humankind and that survival depends on global pandemic preparedness strategies. Referring to the World Health Organization (WHO), university institutions such as Johns Hopkins, central steering bodies of vaccine manufacturers,…

Alcohol and Drug-Related Deaths Increased During Pandemic, Contributing to ‘Excess Mortality’ Rates: StatCan

Alcohol-induced deaths during COVID-19 increased by 18 percent from 2019 to 2020—the largest year-over-year change in deaths caused by alcohol in 20 years—while deaths from all causes were also higher than expected, according to new figures released by Statistics Canada (StatCan). The data, released on Jan. 12, indicate that excess deaths in Canada overall increased significantly through…

Adults Aged 35-44 Died at Twice the Expected Rate Last Summer, Life Insurance Data Suggests

Death claims for working-age adults under group life insurance policies spiked well beyond expected levels last summer and fall, according to data from 20 of the top 21 life insurance companies in the United States. Death claims for adults aged 35-44 were 100 percent higher than expected in July, August, and September of 2021, according to…

Study Shows that High Levels of Exercise Do Not Compensate For a Poor Diet

A long-term research study investigating the independent and joint effects that exercise and diet have on a participant’s risk of death has shown that the detrimental effect a low-quality diet has on a person’s health and fatality risk cannot be eliminated by high levels of exercise. The study by the University of Sydney, which followed…

Counting Cancerous Lymph Nodes May Be Best Predictor of Mortality, Study

A study conducted by researchers from Cedars-Sinai has found that the simple process of counting how many lymph nodes (LNs) are cancerous may be the best option to determine cancer patient’s disease outlook and mortality for 16 major cancers. “Count the number of metastatic [cancerous] lymph nodes,” co-author Assoc Prof. Zack Zumsteg said. “We found…

Long Wait Time for Medical Treatment Cost Canadian Patients Nearly $4.1 Billion in Lost Wages in 2021

Long waits for surgery and medical treatment cost Canadians nearly $4.1 billion in lost wages, productivity, and leisure time in 2021, a new study by think tank Fraser Institute estimates. Published on April 20, the study says about 1.4 million Canadians were waiting for treatment last year, and each lost on average $2,848 from lost…

Do Lockdowns Reduce COVID-19 Mortality?

News Analysis Public health experts and politicians around the world have implemented compulsory lockdown policies to curb the COVID-19 infection and death rates. But, have these lockdown measures been successful in reducing mortality from the disease? According to a new study released by Johns Hopkins University, lockdowns have had little to no impact on COVID-19 mortality. As the…

EXCLUSIVE: Why are Non-COVID Deaths Spiking Among Prime-Age Americans?

Americans have been dying at a significantly higher rate over the past two years or so, but the COVID-19 disease tells only part of the story. Among seniors, the pandemic could explain the increase in mortality more easily than among younger people, where there’s a gap requiring further explanation. Overall, there appear to be three…

Federal Government Mum on Non-COVID Mortality Spike in Americans Aged 18 to 49

Federal authorities have yet to respond to an Epoch Times analysis that shows a dramatic increase in deaths of 18—49-year-olds in the United States in the past year. The majority of those deaths weren’t associated with the COVID-19 disease. Deaths in this age group rose more than 40 percent in the 12 months ending October…

Non-COVID Mortality Spike in Americans Aged 18 to 49: US Government Mum on Data

Federal authorities have yet to respond to an Epoch Times analysis that shows a dramatic increase in deaths of 18- to 49-year-olds in the United States in the past year. The majority of those deaths weren’t associated with the COVID-19 disease. Deaths in this age group rose more than 40 percent in the 12 months…