Tag: Memory

11 Percent of Patients Under Anesthesia ‘Conscious’: Study

An international study has found that about one in 10 patients, or 11 percent, of those who undergo general anaesthesia, were conscious of outside stimuli, shedding light on the medical phenomenon of ‘connected consciousness.’ “The data from the study has given us a crucial starting point in improving our understanding of ‘connected consciousness,’” said Prof….

Natural Ways to Combat Brain Fog After Covid

As we continue to learn about the SARS-CoV-2 virus that caused a world pandemic, researchers and those who have contracted COVID-19 are seeing a rise of memory and cognition issues that may be attributed to long Covid. In fact, two recent studies say that 7 out of 10 long Covid sufferers have memory and concentration…

Memory Issues Plague Long COVID Patients

Memory and concentration problems haunt 7 in 10 patients with long COVID, a pair of new studies indicate. The findings suggest that COVID-19 has a notable impact on brain health, even if the precise underlying mechanisms remain unclear, British researchers said. “We set out to explore whether some of the long-lasting issues in COVID — things…

Dementia on the Rise Worldwide: An Explainer and Research Roundup

The estimated number of people with dementia is expected to increase to 153 million by 2050 worldwide, compared with an estimated 57 million cases in 2019, according to recent projections published in The Lancet Public Health. In the U.S., dementia cases are expected to double to 10.5 million by 2050, up from 5.3 million in…

Understanding Alzheimer’s, the Basics

Researchers have explored many complementary health approaches for preventing or slowing dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Currently, there is no strong evidence that any complementary health approach can prevent cognitive impairment. What the Science Says Following are some of the complementary health approaches that have been studied in recent years. Fish Oil/Omega-3s. Among the nutritional and dietary factors studied…

The Effects of Nature on Cognition and Memory

All of us occasionally suffer from “brain fog.” It is when we are unable to focus on a task, become frustrated and are easily irritated. Have you ever noticed how taking a breath of fresh air suddenly makes you feel refreshed and rejuvenated? It is as if you have been injected with energy. The expression…

Stress Disrupts Access to Memory, Hindering Flexible Thinking

New research pairing virtual navigation with brain scans finds that stress makes people less able to make efficient and effective plans. Remembering past events is key to keeping us safe in the present. For example, recalling the pain of touching a hot stove often prevents us from doing it again. But when under pressure, we…

Memory Is a Big Part of the Sense of Touch

New research sheds light on how the brain combines external information and internal memory to build a sense of touch. The research could help scientists understand how to better treat strokes and autism spectrum disorder. When you touch something, whether stepping onto a sandy beach or stroking the back of a dog, sensations fly into…

10 Great Ways to Help Your Memory With Chinese Medicine

If you worry that your memory is going, you’re not alone.  Do you regularly walk into a room and forget what you went there for?  Have you ever drawn a blank on a close friend’s name?  Do you routinely forget common words?  Join the club.  These little episodes are embarrassing and frustrating, but are you…

Get Focused and Improve Your Memory

Normal aging can play tricks on your brain. You may have a harder time focusing or absorbing new information. This is normal, but it can make it more difficult to learn and retain new things. But you don’t necessarily have to resign yourself to an “it is what it is” position. By employing a few…