Tag: cracking

Cracking Joints Isn’t Bad for You and Could Even Serve a Useful Purpose

Some people habitually crack their joints, others can’t, and many are irritated by those who do. So what’s going on? Why do people do it, is it harmful, what makes the noises, and what would happen if our joints weren’t able to crack? Before going on, it’s important to note we’re talking here about people…

What You Need to Know When Your Joints Make Noise

A couple of years ago, I had a neck thing going on. Every time I turned my head to the left, I heard a funky, grinding sound. My neck was a little stiff, but not enough to explain the noise it was making. I began to worry that the noises coming from my neck were…

Banks Beware, Outsiders Are Cracking the Code for Finance

LONDON—Anyone can be a banker these days, you just need the right code. Global brands from Mercedes and Amazon to IKEA and Walmart are cutting out the traditional financial middleman and plugging in software from tech startups to offer customers everything from banking and credit to insurance. For established financial institutions, the warning signs are…