Category: wokeness

The Rise of Wokeness in the Military

The following is adapted from a talk delivered on July 20, 2022, at the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship on Hillsdale’s Washington, D.C. campus, as part of the AWC Family Foundation Lecture Series. Complaints by veteran soldiers about younger generations who lack discipline and traditional values are as old as…

Plutocratic Socialism and the Corruption of Democracy

This article is adapted from the book “Plutocratic Socialism: The Future of Private Property and the Fate of the Middle Class.” The American constitutional order assumes a populace of property owners, a middle class whose virtues provide the necessary ballast to support our republic. Our founders imagined strong communities, strong families, and independent citizens capable…

Wokeness: A New Religion?

Commentary Civilizations tend to repeat the ideological pattern that made them strong in the first place. At first, these patterns have theological form and substance. But if belief in God becomes obsolete, they tend to continue the same pattern in secular form, minus religious substance. To visit my neighbor’s home at Christmas is to enter…

Living Life Under Occupation

Commentary One of the striking things about life in wartime is how normal it can be for ordinary people. Imagine life in Paris under German occupation for four years during the Second World War. Children were born, and old people died—of natural causes. Teachers taught, and kids went to school to learn. Shops, churches, and…

The Hypocrisy of The Coca-Cola Co.

Commentary In March of last year, days after Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed new voting reform legislation, Atlanta-based Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey said, “This legislation is unacceptable. It is a step backwards … and needs to be remedied, and we will continue to advocate for it both in private and now even more in public.”…

You Cringe You Lose—Super Bowl’s Top Woke Moments | Larry Elder

Most people at Super Bowl LVI weren’t wearing masks, despite a Los Angeles County order for everyone 2 years old and older to wear masks at large outdoor events. Spectators were even given free N95 masks before the game. But this wasn’t the only interesting thing to happen at the event. Larry Elder talks about…

Why Jordan Peterson Quit Academia

Commentary Woke supremacy has been taking a toll on Western civilization. The casualties of wokeness are too many and sundry to track. But we should not forget that wokeness was first germinated in higher education, from whence it metastasized to the wider social body. The academy is the cathedral pulpit from which the ideological dictates of the elite…

Harvard’s Suicidal Wokeness | Counterculture

In this episode of Counterculture with Danielle D’Souza Gill, Danielle breaks down the mass formation psychosis employed by “experts” and “academic activists” intended to beat us all into ideological submission. She interviews Harvard Professor Emerita Ruth Wisse about the problem of wokeness at Harvard and how the school’s culture has declined. Follow EpochTV on social…

COVID Is the Virus. Wokeness Is the Disease

Commentary “Willfully blind and recklessly misleading.” Those are just two of the aspersions that law professors have levelled at the Free North Declaration, a call to arms to protect civil liberties in Canada from COVID-19 irrationality and overreach. Launched on Nov. 12 and profiled recently in the Epoch Times by Lisa Bildy (one of its…

The Campus ‘Diversity’ Menace Comes to Yale

Commentary It is increasingly obvious that modern Americans universities, which are less institutions of unfettered intellectual pursuit than they are “madrasas of wokeness,” to borrow from the Independent Women’s Forum’s Inez Feltscher Stepman, are unsalvageable in most present manifestations. Though there are notable exceptions, many American universities are actually worse than unsalvageable. On-campus debauchery spoils…