Category: saving money

Va. Chef Shares Tips on How to Feed a Family of 5 for Less in ‘Break Bread on a Budget’

By Rekaya Gibson From The Virginian-Pilot Norfolk—Lexy Rogers hopes to teach people how to make easy, soulful meals with her debut cookbook, “Break Bread on a Budget: Ordinary Ingredients, Extraordinary Meals,” which was released April 4. She should know since she’s a private chef, Air Force wife, and mother of three living in Hampton, Virginia….

7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Outdoor Budget (And Where to Get Gear for Free)

By Dakota Kim From Los Angeles Times Los Angeles—It’s a common refrain I grumble to my husband: Why is quality outdoor gear so expensive? His response: Stop complaining and find a solution. He’s right. We’re REI Co-op members—a $30 lifetime membership you pay only once (and one that keeps giving, with regular sales and coupons…

8 Easy Ways to Go Green With Your Kitchen Routine

Practicing sustainable habits isn’t just good for the environment; it can also help you save on energy costs and create less waste. Cutting back on water, electricity, gas, and disposable items are easy ways to make your kitchen more eco-friendly. Use our checklist to assess your cooking and cleanup habits, and discover how being greener…

A Savvy Shopper’s Secrets for Buying in Bulk: How to Tell a Bum Deal from a Real Steal

Buying in bulk is an article of faith in these cost-conscious times, and judging by the boom in discount warehouse paradises and mega-markets, the trend is showing no sign of slacking. But is bulk buying really the answer to our prayers? That depends. When you first visit a discount warehouse, it’s stunning—aisle after aisle of…

Small Efforts Repeated Equal Big Savings

Next to the rent or mortgage payment, food is likely your biggest household expense. And have you noticed food prices steadily creeping into the stratosphere? A little here, some more there doesn’t seem too bad until you get through the checkout. Wow, $100 doesn’t go so far these days! But you can make it go…

How to Afford the Big Stuff

One day the market is crashing, inflation is climbing. The next day it seems like everything’s coming up roses. No matter how the economy’s swinging, your mortgage and car payments are still lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce. And then there are the big-ticket items. A busted water heater often comes without warning and…

The Best Money Advice You’ll Ever Get

What we all really need is the money-saving know-how that will stand strong throughout life and help us build a nest egg. So I asked some prominent experts how they save. What could we all be doing better? Their answers may surprise you. They’re not complicated at all—just simple, commonsense wisdom that will have you…

Put a Big Smile on Your Face with a Dental Savings Plan

I opened my inbox and right near the top was a frantic letter from Lisa, who’s facing an emergency dental situation with a $15,000 price tag on it. She is desperate for options that will let her keep her teeth while not plunging her into debt. Another letter from the Madison family related that their…

When Less Is Best

The dishwasher was crammed full of dirty dishes, company would be arriving shortly and (wouldn’t you know it) I had only enough detergent to fill one of the two dispensers in my dishwasher. I decided to use what I had and hope for the best. Amazingly, my dishes got just as clean as when I…

What To Do When You Can’t Pay All of Your Bills and More

Dear Mary: Our mortgage was due on the first. As I write it is the 21st. We have the money to pay it, however my husband thinks it would be better to pay our credit card bills and get 30 days behind on our mortgage. What do you think should be paid first?—Lisa P., Florida…