Category: financial goals

How to Afford the Big Stuff

One day the market is crashing, inflation is climbing. The next day it seems like everything’s coming up roses. No matter how the economy’s swinging, your mortgage and car payments are still lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce. And then there are the big-ticket items. A busted water heater often comes without warning and…

12 Ways to Start the New Year Off on the Right Financial Foot

The new year comes with the chance to reflect on the past year and set new goals. However, don’t just set physical and mental wellness resolutions. You should also add financial wellness resolutions as well. To help you reach your financial goals in the new year, here are twelve ways to start fresh: 1. Revise…

Now That You Make Good Money, What Are Your Options?

As they grow older and advance in their careers, many professionals start to find that they have more money in their pockets. If you’re in your 30s or 40s, this might sound like you. Those long nights and sacrifices you’ve made to move up the corporate ladder have finally paid off. For the first time…

5 Tips for Creating a Budget to Support Your Financial Goals

Whether you want to pay off debt, start a rainy day fund or save for a family trip, budgeting is the first step toward reaching your financial goals. Creating a budget is much like trying to eat better or exercise more—everyone tells you it’s good for you, but it’s hard to get into the habit,…

Millennial: A Scarcity Money Mindset Can Cost You

We all saw it at grocery stores in 2020. The shelves, once brimming with toilet paper and hand soap, were bare. We hid in our homes, deep-cleaning every surface, occasionally braving the threat of COVID-19 to hunt down the last remaining bottle of hand sanitizer in a 50-mile radius. We felt out of control, so…

10 Ways to Save When You Live With a Super-Spender

Financial management can be intimidating and strenuous. Now, just imagine trying to do this with someone else. But, it’s a reality for couples who are balancing each other’s wants and needs, as well as shared goals. Things can get even tricky and more stressful, however, one you’re living with a super-spender. It’s easy to envision why…