Category: saving money

How to Save Money on Groceries

Feeding a family is complicated enough without worrying about the cost of groceries. But here we are in a world where food costs continue to soar. If you’re feeling a particularly sharp pinch at the supermarket, you’re not alone. Inflation and continued supply chain issues are impacting consumers around the globe. Luckily, there are plenty…

On Saving Money and Spreading Manure

As you may know, the mission of this column is to discover ways to save time and money every day. You help me by sending me your great tips, tricks, and ideas; I help you by boiling it all down here. That answers what the column is for, but why should you read this column?…

8 Painless Ways to Save Money and Grow a Cash Stash in 2023

The past 12 months have been tough on many people, and higher living costs have made it extremely difficult to build savings. So at this point, your best bet is to look ahead to 2023 and develop a plan that allows you to make great progress with your savings, no matter what that means for…

25 Ways to Save $1,000 on Monthly Expenses

A number of years ago, I met Kathryn and Galen. They’d won a contest sponsored by Woman’s Day magazine. The prize? A money makeover and financial coaching with … me! From our first meeting, we became fast friends. Not only were they drowning in debt but Galen was also dealing with a protracted season of…

Slash Food Costs and Give Yourself a Raise

Could you use an extra $1,200? That’s exactly what you’ll have in a year if you can find a way to whack just $25 from your food bill each week. But there’s not one single way to reduce food costs. The key is to use a combination of strategies. Eat The Sales Build your grocery…

It’s the Little Ways We Save That Add Up

It’s amazing how saving a little here and a little there can add up to big savings. Each of these great reader tips doesn’t really save much on its own. But added up over time? In a way that changes your attitude and keeps you focused? That can really make a difference. Don’t believe me?…

More Money May Not Be the Answer

Affluence is not measured by your annual income. Affluence is determined by how many of your resources you manage not to spend — the amount of income you keep. The idea that you should live below your means is obvious, isn’t it? It’s not like this is the first time you’ve ever heard of the…

The 80% Solution

Provided that your basic life needs for shelter, food and clothing are being met, more money is not going to make you happier. I know, that’s hard to believe, but it’s a proven fact. What will make you happier is learning how to manage well the money you have already. Today, I want to give…

5 Rules to Build Wealth

At the tender age of 11, I made a solemn vow that when I grew up I was going to be rich. My plan was simple: Marry well. I bless the day I married my husband, a man who is rich in character and unfailing love. I assumed his money would follow. While waiting for…

My Action Plan for Saving and Spending

It is crucial to know where your money goes if you want to get your finances under control. The problem? That isn’t always obvious: Sure, you may keep track of your monthly bills. But what about your daily expenses? When you add up your out-of-pocket expenses, you might be surprised at how much you spend on…