Category: protein

Engineered Protein Offers Hope in Mending Tissue Damage by Heart Attack, Stroke

A study from the University of Texas brings new hope in repairing tissue injury caused by blocked blood flow brought on by a heart attack or stroke. Researchers at the university created a stem cell factor (SCF) designed to target the growth of blood vessels without causing adverse responses through allergic reactions, said the study published…

The Incredible Moringa Tree

It’s difficult to discuss moringa without feeling like you’re bragging. Some call it the miracle tree, and the number of gifts it offers makes clear why. Ounce for ounce, moringa leaf has twice as much protein and calcium as milk, and similarly impressive amounts of beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium, iron and other beneficial nutrients….

The Essentials of Protein

The headlines behind the macronutrient needs of the body (also called “macros”), which make up carbohydrate, fat, and protein, have been either glorified or demonized over the years. In the 1990s, fat was supposedly the undisputed culprit for heart disease, and at the advent of the 2000s, the Atkins Diet and South Beach Diet had…

A Norwegian-Inspired Breakfast Board | Eat Better

Norwegians love to start their day with a good breakfast. What they eat and how they lay it out on the table doesn’t change too much from house to house. In this episode of Eat Better, I’ve taken all the goodies from their breakfast spread and assembled them onto a breakfast board. I’ve also removed…

When It Comes to Muscles, It’s Use It or Lose It

Most people take their muscles for granted. It’s pretty easy to do. Unless you’re trying to be a bodybuilder or a powerlifter, you probably don’t think about them at all. And it’s a huge mistake. Especially if you’re 50+. In fact, it’s very easy to argue that muscle mass and strength is far more important…

How Much Protein Intake Is Needed to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat and What Is the Best Source?

How much protein do we really need to consume in order to help build muscle and lose body fat? We know that too much or too little daily protein intake is not good, but in general most people aren’t eating enough protein for muscle gain. A common recommendation is 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram…