Category: natural pain relief

You Probably Use Ibuprofen for These 5 Causes of Pain; Here Are the Best Alternatives

For 50 million Americans, the picture of life is tarnished by chronic pain. Chronic pain restricts what we aspire to accomplish, whether it’s a migraine, knee pain, or backaches. Grandparents can attest to this. Middle-aged professionals realize it. Stay-at-home moms know this all too well. High school athletes are faced with it, too. Due to…

4 Ways to Relieve Pain the Natural Way

When you experience random aches and pains, you might not want to reach for pills. Instead, you may prefer to keep things a little less intense. Maybe some rest, relaxation, or a natural remedy. Natural remedies may not necessarily work or be that much healthier than over-the-counter pain (OTC) medications. But they can be comforting,…

Natural Pain Killer With Powerful Ability to Remove Blood Clots and Dead Tissue

Most enzymes fall into two categories. Digestive enzymes helps break down food while systemic enzymes, taken away from food, work to fight against unwanted proteins and harmful cells, like cancer cells. Systemic enzymes work to support the body’s normal inflammatory process. Fibrin is an insoluble protein that the body uses in wound healing and repair….

A Very Useful Acupuncture Point

Acupuncture is an art, not a science. As such, all acupuncturists work just a little differently from one another. It’s been said that we acupuncturists have a relationship with certain points, and it’s true that I have certain favorite acupuncture points that I tend to use more than others. There is one point, however, that…