Category: Mario Draghi

Russian and Chinese Influence in Italy Requires Investigation

Commentary Matteo Salvini, the head of a rising far-right party in Italy, has some big problems. They mirror those in many other countries, where the center-right and far-right are diverging, according to David Broder, an expert on contemporary Italian fascism. First, Salvini is soft on Russia, which is close to China. An influential Italian veto…

Italy Heads to Early Election After Draghi Resigns

ROME—Italy is headed for an early election after its president accepted Premier Mario Draghi’s resignation Thursday and decided there was no possibility for cobbling together another government following the rapid collapse of the ruling coalition. The demise of Draghi’s coalition in the eurozone’s third-largest economy and the uncertainty of what Italian voters will decide at…

Italian Premier Draghi’s Resignation Rebuffed by President

ROME—Italian Premier Mario Draghi offered to step down Thursday after a populist coalition ally refused to support a key government bill, but the nation’s president rejected the resignation, telling Draghi to see if he can still find a majority in Parliament willing to support him. Draghi’s broad unity coalition government—which includes parties from the right,…

Italian Premier Mario Draghi Says He Will Resign

ROME—Italian Premier Mario Draghi has told his Cabinet he will offer his resignation on Thursday evening to the nation’s president, following the refusal of a populist coalition ally to support a key government bill. “The majority of national unity that has sustained this government from its creation doesn’t exist any more,” Draghi said in a…

Italian Presidential Election: The Leopard Is Alive and Well

Commentary For over two decades, Italy has been in a phase of stagnation. Despite the obvious need for serious economic and structural reforms, the country is prevented from enacting them for several reasons, but there is one in particular that holds it back: the mentality of the Leopard. This mentality is brilliantly encapsulated in Giuseppe…

Italy’s Draghi Vetoes 3rd Chinese Takeover This Year

ROME—Italy’s Prime Minister Mario Draghi has vetoed the third Chinese takeover in the country since his government took office in February, an official Hong Kong filing by the rebuffed group showed on Tuesday. Zhejiang Jingsheng Mechanical said Rome had blocked its attempt to set up a joint venture with the Hong Kong arm of Applied…

Italy’s Draghi Takes Office, Faces Daunting Challenges

ROME—Mario Draghi, the former head of the European Central Bank, was sworn in as prime minister on Saturday to lead a unity government that has to steer Italy out of the coronavirus crisis and an economic slump. All but one of Italy’s major parties have rallied to his side and his cabinet includes lawmakers from…

Italy’s Draghi Wins Support of 2 Rival Parties for New Government

MILAN—Italian Premier-designate Mario Draghi on Saturday secured preliminary support from two key parties for forming a new government that will decide how to spend more than 200 billion euros ($240 billion) in European Union funds to help relaunch Italy’s pandemic-ravaged economy. The populist 5-Star Movement and the right-wing League both signaled support for a Draghi-led…

Italy’s Draghi Looks to Fractured Parties to Back New Government

ROME—Former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi was due to start talks with Italy’s divided political parties on Thursday to seek backing for a new government to deal with the entwined health and economic crises. Draghi, one of the most respected figures in Italy who has received a mandate from the head of state to…