Category: Environmental

Beyond Serotonin: Trend of 2 ‘Prescriptions’ Alleviate Depression, Get at Root Cause

Globally, 5 percent of adults suffer from depression, and a total of 280 million people suffer from depression. Although the use of antidepressants have increased, the treatment results are inconsistent, and people’s symptoms sometimes don’t even improve. However, there are two naturally present antidepressants that people can try. Antidepressants Don’t Work for Some People? Data…

How Chemically Sensitive Are You?

A new theory of a disease process caused by pesticides and other toxic chemicals may explain multisystem symptoms for which a disease cause hasn’t been found. Many in the medical community have identified widespread pesticide and other chemical exposure as a real health threat, causing serious debilitating health effects. A questionnaire is now used as…

250 Scientists Highlight Concerns With Earbuds

Wearing wireless earbuds may be convenient but it could be increasing your risk of neurological disorders as they send a magnetic field through your brain to communicate. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Wireless headphones, like Apple’s popular AirPods, could be dangerous to human health, according to a petition signed by 250 scientists The petition to the United Nations…

New Study Suggests Your Liver Is an Ageless Wonder

New research has shed a little light on one of the more interesting organs in your body. It’s found that regardless of how old you are, your liver is eternally about three years old. The organ, which is responsible for clearing toxins from the body and metabolizing nutrients, has a unique ability to renew and…

Dementia Linked to a Substance That Can Exist Everywhere: Here’s What to Know

Amie Skilton, a nutritionist based in Australia, used to be very healthy. However, two months after moving into her new home, her brain began to malfunction. For instance, she would forget her own name and suddenly not know how to get dressed. She was later diagnosed with type 3 Alzheimer’s disease. Afterwards, she discovered that…

Radon Risk: Its Perils Can Be Prevented

If you’re buying a new home, the house may need to be tested for radon, depending on local laws. Although the tests aren’t required everywhere, you should insist on it. You might not be able to see or smell radon, but it can still harm you—slowly, and in ways that you can’t detect. Radon is…

Is This Ubiquitous Toxic Metal Lowering Men’s Sperm Counts?

Does aluminum, a toxic metal that has become so common it can found in things we eat and use everyday, have an impact on sperm count? Does it contribute to low sperm production among other ailments?  Falling sperm counts and rising infertility are phenomena that have been observed for decades in the developed world. Today,…

Tips and Resources That Can Help You to Avoid Falls

For many older adults, preventing a fall can add years to their lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls are the leading cause of injury for older adults in the United States. About 1 in 4 adults aged 65 or older falls each year. Falls can cause serious injuries such as hip…

Bombshell Study Confirms This Daily Drink Lowers IQ

These study findings were so controversial, they had to undergo additional peer-review and scrutiny before being published. Their publication even warranted a special editor’s note justifying the journal’s decision to publish the story. Will the findings be taken seriously? STORY AT-A-GLANCE A U.S. and Canadian government-funded observational study found that drinking fluoridated water during pregnancy…

Top 5 Foods That Detox Heavy Metals and Toxins – With Protocol

In today’s toxic world, we absorb, inhale, and ingest chemicals and heavy metals on a daily basis. Bad bacteria and Candida ooze toxins as a part of their metabolism and as they die off. Bi-annual detoxes help to cleanse your body and remove these highly toxic substances, but what about the other 363 days out…