Category: American family

The Spiritual Death of the People 

Commentary The re-election of Mitch McConnell to the Republican Senate leadership is but one more shot in the gut to a good portion of the American people. That portion includes social conservatives, religious conservatives, old-fashioned patriots, moderates and independents who cling to traditional notions of masculinity and fatherhood, working-class voters who’ve watched globalization and immigration…

‘Draining the Swamp’ Must Include Social Policy and Welfare

Commentary If Republicans are really seeking to drain the Washington so-called “swamp”—with immediate, tangible benefits for Americans’ prosperity and freedom—they could do no better than to begin with social policy. Long neglected the vast welfare machinery not only furnishes the greatest reservoir of superfluous functionaries, but it is also among the most destructive sectors of…

A Family’s Journey Through the Civil War

Hardships and tragedies befell many families during the American Civil War. The stories of misfortune and heartbreak are touching, tragic, and seemingly endless. For some reason, one family’s wartime journey stood out to me. The story of their pain—and their loss—eventually led me to a small family cemetery in rural North Carolina. But I’m getting…

Funniest Moments of Children

Children always bring us a lot of joy.

BC Man Who Helped Stranded US Family Rewarded With New Car, Peanuts

A B.C. man who gained widespread attention for helping drive a stranded American family to the Alaska-Canada border will soon be able to do that trip in a new car. Gary Bath, a Canadian ranger and military veteran in Fort St. John, helped Lynn Marchessault and her family after they were stranded in a November…