Tag: natural treatment

Causes and Treatments of SIBO

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) has a reputation for being significantly underdiagnosed as many of its symptoms are similar to other health issues. Research suggests that up to 60 percent of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is caused by SIBO and that it affects at least 6 to 15 percent of healthy, asymptomatic people. The actual number of people…

11 Things Better Than Drugs or Supplements for Healing

Natural medicine doesn’t just involve “nutraceuticals,” but extends to modalities like yoga and acupuncture that an increasing body of peer-reviewed research shows can be superior to drugs Natural medicine is an amazing field, full of inspiring stories and an ever-accumulating body of scientific research to support its increasingly popular views on health. In fact, at GreenMedInfo.health we specialize…

Top 10 Natural Cough and Lung Remedies

If you’re feeling a tell-tale tickle in your throat that signifies a cough may be coming on, it’s time to stock up on the top 10 natural cough and lung remedies. You don’t need narcotic syrups or prescription medicines to start breathing easier today For decades, the conventional way of managing a low-grade cough has…

5 Natural Ways to Treat a Skin Infection

A staph infection is a group of infections caused by staphylococcus, which can result in anything from a minor skin infection to a serious infection that can affect the lungs, heart and blood. Although many staph infections can be treated, there are some that are antibiotic resistant, which are more harmful. Antibiotic resistant staph infections are known as methicillin-resistant…