Tag: Hormones

Confidential Pentagon Memo Says Transgender Soldiers Can Defer Deployment While on Hormones

Transgender soldiers will be allowed to delay deployment for up to 300 days while using cross-sex hormones during their “transition” and waive physical fitness standards, according to a confidential Pentagon memo. The Feb. 1 Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) memo said that the delay in deployment was needed so the transgender soldier could “stabilize” while taking hormones….

Lawsuit Filed to Stop Texas Ban on Child Gender Transition Surgery and Hormones

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas and Lambda Legal are suing to stop Texas from banning child gender modification hormones and surgery. The lawsuit, filed July 12 in state district court in liberal Travis County, aims to block Senate Bill 14 before it can go into effect on Sept. 1. “This law would ban necessary…

The Astonishing Overeating Paradox

Most people think that eating too much causes obesity and eating less will enable us to lose weight. Is this correct? Influence of the Body’s ‘Fat Thermostat’ on Losing Weight The body fat percentage is controlled like a thermostat, which will determine whether or not we lose weight. When we lose weight, our body tries…

Navigating Menopause Holistically

Menopause can be an intense season for women as they navigate hormonal changes and fluctuations and the various symptoms that come with it. This article provides women with real steps and ideas of how to manage their menopausal symptoms day-to-day from a holistic perspective. Diet A holistic, sustaining approach to menopause begins with choosing a…

Synthetic Fragrances and How They Wreak Hormone Havoc

Of the five senses, the sense of smell is believed to have the most transformative power to take us back into a moment in time. Grandma’s apple pie. A summertime bonfire. An ex’s cologne. But the effects of scents don’t merely induce a nostalgic memory; they’re not just psychologically powerful. The scents we smell also…

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Helpful for Women Going Through Menopause?

Review of Menopause and Symptoms Throughout this series so far, we have learned that menopause is a period of time that begins once a woman’s body is done having menstrual cycles. As a woman experiences fluctuating levels of estrogen and other reproductive hormones, she will walk through four distinct stages of menopause: Premenopause Stage: A…

How the Birth Control Pill Changes Who You Are

How we perceive the world, form memories, and experience satisfaction fundamentally define the way we live and who we are. Recent science and widespread firsthand accounts now show that hormonal contraception, including the birth control pill, profoundly affects these domains by altering the structure of the brain and our neurochemistry. Hormonal contraception (HC) has long…

Pregnant Mom’s Migraine Turns out to Be Brain Tumor, Says Newborn Baby Saved Her Life

A British mom who suffered a miscarriage two years ago is now praising her newborn son for saving her life after doctors discovered her migraines were due to a brain tumor that was growing fast because of her pregnancy hormones. Abi Naylor, 28, was rushed to Macclesfield Hospital, Cheshire, in Northwest England, a week after…

How to Boost Your Immunity While You Sleep

More than 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said, “The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.” Many American physicians emphasize the importance of self-healing and immunity. Renowned doctor Andrew Weil wrote in his book “Spontaneous Healing” that the human body’s self-healing power is like…

Common Herbicide Causes Genital Abnormalities in Frogs

In findings that scientists fear may have implications for humans, researchers say exposing frog larvae to a common weed killer leads to reproductive abnormalities. These abnormalities may impair sexual behavior, and be a factor in the current decline in the worldwide frog population. The study, the first to look at levels of the herbicide atrazine—which…