Category: herbicides

Common Pesticides Could Be Causing Sexual Dysphoria: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In a recent interview with Jordan B. Peterson, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he thinks many of the causes of sexual dysphoria, particularly with boys, are coming from chemical exposure. In particular, he mentioned the widely used herbicide atrazine. In the June 5 interview, Peterson and Kennedy discussed a wide range of topics including Kennedy’s…

Common Herbicide Could Be Causing Sexual Dysphoria: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In a recent interview with Jordan B. Peterson, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he thinks many of the causes of sexual dysphoria, particularly with boys, are coming from chemical exposure. In particular, he mentioned the widely used herbicide atrazine. In the June 5 interview, Peterson and Kennedy discussed a wide range of topics including Kennedy’s…

How Pesticides and Herbicides Affect Farmers

In the past few decades, thousands of studies have revealed the negative consequences of herbicides and pesticides on human and planetary health. But few people—even among those who buy organic—think about who’s really most at risk. According to a report released in June by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 81.4 percent of Americans…

Rising Gut Dysbiosis Rates Point to How Nature’s Microbiome Impacts Our Own

As of 2022, the global probiotics market is valued at over $60 billion and rising. Probiotics are designed to benefit your gut, and the role gut health plays in our holistic wellbeing is gaining recognition from scientists, nutritionists, doctors, and many others. At the same time, there is a startling rise in the condition of…

Common Herbicide Causes Genital Abnormalities in Frogs

In findings that scientists fear may have implications for humans, researchers say exposing frog larvae to a common weed killer leads to reproductive abnormalities. These abnormalities may impair sexual behavior, and be a factor in the current decline in the worldwide frog population. The study, the first to look at levels of the herbicide atrazine—which…

Study Shows Toxic Weed Killer Found in 1 Out of 3 Americans

One of the cheapest, most widely used weed killers in the United States has turned up within a third of people participating in a large study released by George Washington University in 2022. From a pool of 14,395 people, roughly 33 percent carried detectable levels of the common herbicide 2,4-D in their urine. Researchers discovered noteworthy traces of…