Tag: The Beau Show

Biden 2024: Joe 2.0

Joe Biden has formally announced his reelection campaign for the presidency in 2024. His track record includes record inflation, botched foreign policy, and the series of physical and mental blunders that plague nearly every public appearance. What would “Joe 2.0” mean for America? Seventy percent of Americans do not think Biden should run for president…

Hollywood Rapper Funnels Chinese Money to Democrat Presidential Campaign

Follow the money, and you will see Hollywood elites bought by foreign interests to influence American politics. Ex-Fugees rapper Pras Michel has been found guilty of colluding with the Chinese regime to influence American politicians. Michel faced 11 counts over conspiracy to help Malaysian businessman Jho Taek Low and the Chinese regime gain access to…

The Aftermath of Woke Bud Light: The Consumer Has Spoken

In the wake of the Bud Light transgender partnership, consumers have reacted unfavorably, hurting the company’s bottom line and reputation. Budweiser stock tanked, losing around $6 billion in market cap. The company also garnered high-profile criticism and lost brand partnerships. Anheuser Busch responded by releasing a statement that failed to impress their alienated consumers. Then…

Major Media Shakeup: Tucker Carlson Leaves Fox News While CNN Dumps Don Lemon

In a major media shakeup, Fox News has parted ways with No. 1 host Tucker Carlson, and CNN parted ways with scandal-prone Don Lemon. What will this do to the media landscape? Talent-wise, anyone can replace Don Lemon. But Fox News will be the one counting their losses when it comes to Tucker Carlson. Carlson…

Fact-Checking ‘The View’: Are the Taliban and the Christian Right the Same?

When it comes to politics, the arts and entertainment industry leans overwhelmingly left, often giving that political view an unchallenged platform. One example of this is a talk show called “The View,” and rightfully so because it offers a singular perspective—that of the radical portion of the Democratic Party. On a recent episode of “The…

Earth Day: Scientist Shares Inconvenient Facts

On Earth Day, I spoke with geologist and author Gregory Wrightstone of the CO2 Coalition. The group provides science and research that counter the indoctrination in the American education system. Wrightstone disputes the left’s climate alarmist philosophy by discussing global warming, natural disasters, the attempt to ban gas stoves, and more. In addition, he explains…

‘The Last of Us’: Pandemic Parallels Hit Close to Home

HBO Max series “The Last of Us” follows a grizzled man in an apocalyptic world. After a fungus outbreak has infected the world, fundamental freedoms are taken away while an overreaching bureaucracy searches for a cure. While “The Last of Us” is fiction, its depiction of real-world scenarios may be a lesson and a warning….

Companies Go Woke, Consumers Fight Back With Their Wallets

As corporate culture goes woke, conservative Americans have punched back. Thanks to organizations like Consumers Research, which examines the actions of corporations and alerts customers if companies go woke, consumers can support businesses that respect and share their values. For example, Bud Light has recently experienced a loss in sales due to its transgender collaboration….

End of an Era: Phantom of the Opera Leaves Broadway

The departure of Phantom of the Opera from Broadway marks the end of a historical era. Phantom was the longest-running show in Broadway history, generating $6 billion worldwide and holding the title of the most successful entertainment event until The Lion King. The complex plot, depth of characters, and remarkably talented actors have set a…

Gregg Popovich Blames Lawmakers Instead of Lawbreakers

San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich used his final press conference to scoff at GOP lawmakers on several topics, including gun control. Instead of blaming the mass shooters for choosing to break the law, he blamed a political party and the solutions they advocate for, such as additional security measures in schools and churches. This…