Tag: Russia sanctions

Russia’s Rise

Commentary The West’s sweeping sanctions on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine are shaping up to be the West’s most monumental miscalculation in modern history. The sanctions haven’t brought the Russian economy to its knees, as was widely predicted. Instead, it’s the Western economies that are reeling, their economic growth all but stopped. Many of…

US Sanctions on China and Russia Are Failing

Commentary Sanctions against China and Russia are leaking across a broad swath of goods to the point of ineffectuality, according to new reporting this week. U.S. export controls on high-efficiency computer chips to China, for example, have been ineffective at stopping the chips’ use in Beijing’s nuclear weapons labs. Decades after the sanctions were imposed…

CCP Reselling Russian Gas to make Europe Reliant

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is reselling energy supplies from Russia to Europe in a bid to increase its influence. Since the Chinese and Russian leaders met at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in early September, a series of moves show that Beijing and Moscow have strengthened their energy cooperation. Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak…

The Costs of Russian Sanctions on US Citizens

Commentary  Like most readers of this newspaper, our wish for the Ukrainian people is for peace, prosperity, and self-determination. In an attempt to punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, the United States has put in place sanctions that are making life more difficult for many Russians and especially for its wealthy oligarchs. In a…

Australia Monitors Crypto Transactions to Prevent Russia’s Sanctions Evasion

Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) has joined other financial intelligence agencies to track down the Russia-related money flows via cryptocurrency transactions to prevent the country from evading international sanctions. The move comes as Australia has included cryptocurrency, or crypto, in its sanctions regime against Russia, which imposes asset freezes on listed individuals and…

Putin Signs Law to Seize Foreign Aircraft Amid Crippling Sanctions

As sanctions cripple Russia’s aviation industry, President Vladimir Putin signed a law on Monday allowing foreign-owned aircraft to be re-registered as Russian for domestic use, according to state-run news agency TASS. Russian airlines would have the ability to seize and operate aircraft leased by companies that are no longer operating in the country over sanctions…

‘Time to Pick Sides’: CCP State Council Advisor Censored for Urging Distance from Russia

A policy advisor for the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) State Council who called for China to distance itself from Russia’s war in Ukraine in an article had his article censored across the Chinese web a few hours after its publication. Hu Wei, vice-chairman of the Public Policy Research Centre of the Counsellor’s Office of the State…

Beware of the Long-Term Implications of a Sino-Russian Alliance

Commentary As anticipated, Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine. As also anticipated, the West has responded with economic sanctions. U.S. sanctions alone include: asset freezes on Russia’s primary financial institutions and key elites; restrictions upon these same banks from making transactions in U.S. dollars; substantial limitations upon debt and equity financing; import and export controls over…

White House Signals Caution Against Russian Oil Ban

The White House is signaling restraint in imposing a ban on Russian oil as an addition to the list of sanctions meant to punish President Vladimir Putin for his invasion of Ukraine. Several members of Congress from both sides of the aisle have criticized a carve-out in U.S. sanctions exempting gas and oil, saying that…

US Says It Will Add to Russia Sanctions If Moscow Escalates in Ukraine

WASHINGTON—The United States will impose more sanctions on Russia if Moscow continues to escalate its conflict with Ukraine, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said on Monday, noting that Russia so far has shown no signs of backing down. Price told a regular press briefing that U.S. sanctions “will ultimately be symmetrical and mutually reinforcing” with…