Tag: Rio

Airbus, Air France Acquitted Over 2009 Rio–Paris Crash

PARIS—A French court on Monday acquitted Airbus and Air France of manslaughter charges over the 2009 crash of Flight 447 from Rio to Paris, prompting an outpouring of anguish from people whose loved ones were killed in a disaster that led to lasting changes in aircraft safety measures. Some erupted in sobs, others listened in…

Brazil Identifies Indian Coronavirus Variant in Traveler Through Sao Paulo, Rio Airports

SAO PAULO—A traveler arriving in Brazil has been diagnosed with the coronavirus variant first discovered in India, Sao Paulo health officials said on Wednesday, stoking concerns that it could further fuel one of the world’s deadliest outbreaks. Sao Paulo health authorities said they requested a complete list of the passengers on the flight coming from…