Tag: Public School

Biden Admin Quietly Pushing Anti-Charter Policies, School Choice Advocates Warn

Amid nationwide calls for giving parents more choice in their children’s education, the Biden administration has quietly proposed changes that critics say will make it harder for new public charter schools to open and for existing ones to survive. On March 14, the U.S. Department of Education released a 14-page regulatory proposal regarding the priorities,…

Amid Opposition From the Left, More States Push for Curriculum Transparency

Echoing the frustration and distrust felt by parents across the nation about public school education, lawmakers in at least 20 states have introduced measures to ensure parents’ access to what their children are being taught in the classroom. Those Republican-backed measures, commonly referred to as curriculum transparency bills, require public schools to make available online all their…

Woke San Francisco School Board Members Ousted for Putting Progressive Politics Over Education | Larry Elder

Larry Elder is a big advocate for school choice because “government schools” don’t always have the best reputation, especially in California. For example, three school board members in San Francisco were recently recalled by a huge percentage of the public after spending a lot of taxpayers’ time and money on things such as planning to…

Australian Parents Move Away From Public School System as Pandemic Reveals Education Quality Gap

Australian parents have turned away from public schools during the pandemic, flocking to private schools with higher educational standards and faith-based schools with stronger values and beliefs. Private schools have seen a 6.1 percent increase in enrolments between 2019 and 2021, compared with 2.2 percent for Catholic schools and 1 percent for government schools, according to…

Education Union Slams Australian Federal Government for Underfunding Public Schools

The Australian Education Union (AEU) has criticised the federal government for failing to provide education funding, alleging that students graduating from Australia’s public schools in 2029 will never have the education funded at the level that the Commonwealth and states say they should. The AEU said in a statement on Jan. 17  that if the Morrison…

School Daze

Commentary For the third straight day last week, the Chicago Teachers Union canceled classes, choosing to return to virtual learning and citing dangers from the Omicron variant as their excuse. To many, this is seen as nothing more than a teachers’ strike and power grab executed by a union that historically supports Democrat politicians. Democrats…

NYC Teachers’ Union Encourages Members to ‘Document’ Student Violations of Quarantine Rules

A New York City teachers’ union is encouraging its members to document issues related to the city’s newly-revised quarantine procedures by uploading unidentifiable photos of students who violate those rules. In a change of course, Mayor Bill de Blasio last week dropped the policy of requiring unvaccinated students to quarantine for 10 days if someone…

Charter Schools Saw Enrollment Growth as 1.4 Million Students Left Public Schools: Report

Charter schools across the United States took in hundreds of thousands of new students, as families sought alternatives to public schools during the first full school year of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report reveals. Publicly funded, privately managed charters schools in 39 states saw an additional 240,000 students during the 2020-2021 school year, according…

NYC Public Schools Reopen Classrooms for 1 Million Students After 18-Month Closure

New York City on Monday opened its classroom doors to nearly one million students, many of whom are returning for the first time since March 2020, when the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic prompted the nation’s largest public school system to close. Just about 40 percent of New York City’s public school students went…

Teachers’ Union Head Backs Vaccine Mandate for Educators

American Federation of Teachers (AFT) president Randi Weingarten said Sunday that she supports vaccination mandates for educators across the nation. In an interview with NBC, Weingarten revealed that the AFT, which represents 1.7 million employees in public education, is reconsidering its stance that vaccinations should only be voluntary. “Since 1850 we’ve dealt with vaccines in…